Page 115 of High Society

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He shakes his head. “Reese had to cancel.”

“Reese told you this?”

“She told all of us. A legal crisis or something. She feels horrible about it, too. Even shittier because she canceled by text.” Salvador snorts. “As if a phone call would’ve made any difference.”

Holly only nods, blank faced, despite the alarm bells going off inside her head.

“Let’s face it,” he says. “We’d all noticed how off JJ was after Elaine’s OD. And none of us lifted a finger to help her.”

“Easy to think that way in retrospect,” Holly mutters, totally distracted.

Salvador taps his chest. “But I’m dying, here, myself! When can I get back on the ketamine, Dr. Danvers? It’s the only thing that has worked so far!”

“Not yet, Salvador. Not until we know how the ketamine has affected events. Meantime you and I can focus on cognitive-behavioral techniques if you’d like.”

He looks forlorn. “Sure, why not? Sobriety is overrated anyway.”

As soon as Salvador is gone, Holly grabs her phone and texts Aaron: Question for you.

He replies immediately: ?

What time was it when you spoke to JJ outside the museum?

A little before six. Why?

And JJ told you she was late to meet a friend, right?

He replies with a check emoji.

She doesn’t ask him the one question that burns in her brain:

If Reese really did cancel on JJ via text, then how did she learn the details of the conversation Aaron had with JJ only hours before her death?


It’s eleven in the morning, and Simon is still in bed. Back in the day, he rarely saw the morning, at least not this side of it. He was a nocturnal creature back then, staying up most of the night and not rousing until midafternoon. But Simon went to bed last night before ten. And it’s not just his aching hip that has kept him there. He hasn’t felt this low or helpless in ages. The tribe is crumbling. He no longer trusts Dr. Danvers, the one person he viewed as his savior. And worst of all, the urges and fantasies are beginning to assert control over him again.

I’m the train wreck you always expected me to be, Mom.

When his phone dings with a group text, he almost ignores it. Nothing good ever comes from them lately. But after three more dings, curiosity gets the best of him, and he reaches for his phone.

Salvador: I fell off TWO wagons last night! Sizzling hot mess that I am!

Baljit: Two?

Salvador: THE DOUBLE PLUNGE! Coke and Adderall!!!

Baljit: It happens, Sal. Don’t beat yourself up. Not that you’re capable of beating up anyone or anything.

Simon is oddly touched by Baljit’s small show of compassion.

Simon: She’s right. I’ve got a permanent dent in my skull from falling off so many wagons.


Salvador: Dr. Danvers is adamant. No more group therapy. No more ketamine.

Baljit: Got any more earth-shattering news flashes?

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