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“Dianna.” He said my name like a prayer, coming inside me in a furious blaze of incandescence. The force of his release splintered the furniture. Particles rained down but never touched us, as if even in the midst of his orgasm, he protected me. The street lights outside flicked and burst. Every candle he’d lit went out as he emptied himself inside me. Onuna fell into darkness, his energy blanketing the world.

He buried his face against my neck. I held him there until the tremors wracking our bodies eased, and we slowly stopped shaking. His bright, immortal power was still roused, laying over me protectively, and I thought I felt mine rise to claim him. Maybe it was my imagination, but I swore I could feel flickers of emotion from him, from intense male satisfaction to his own shocked wonder at our joining and a deep, unfathomable wellspring of caring.

We lay there for what felt like eons, trying to process everything that had happened, everything that had led us here. I didn’t speak. I had nothing to say. I had learned something I couldn’t unlearn now that I knew it. Samkiel had shattered my understanding of what it meant to make love. As cliche as it sounded, I had transformed into someone else. Something in me had shifted, and I had become a humble stranger to myself. I wondered if he felt it, too. All I knew was that a bond had solidified between us tonight. It felt different, stronger, unbreakable, and very, very dangerous.

I closed my eyes and slid my fingers through his hair, my nails scraping lightly against his scalp. His arms tightened, the full weight of him settling on me. For the first time ever, I felt safe and warm. The beast buried so deep inside of me stopped throwing herself against the walls of her prison and shuddered in relief. Samkiel nestled further into me as if he were afraid if he let me go, this would disappear.

“I wasn’t going to feed your massive ego anymore, but that was… okay.”

A rumble vibrated my entire being as he laughed. “Mhmm, whatever you say.”

I laughed even if I couldn’t express it fully with his weight pressing down on me.

“I honestly expected better.”

I felt him smile against my neck before kissing it, and I savored the tingle that ran through me.

“Does it always feel like this with you? I mean, I’ve seen the dreams, heard the stories, but….” My voice trailed off. The words had left my mouth before I could process them. “That was stupid. I’m sorry. Ignore that.” I hated the way I flinched, not wanting to hear the answer. He had been with goddesses, and I was not a goddess.

He lifted his head to stare at me like he always had, as if I were more precious to him than anything in this realm or the next. As if I were more precious than his crown, his throne, all of it, and at that moment, I truly believed it. His fingers ran down the side of my face, brushing back my sweat-damp hair.

“I used to dream of what my destiny would be, my future. Everyone has an amata. It was written before the universe had form.” He rose above me, his hand cupping my jaw, his thumb running across my cheek. “You are very special to me. No one feels like you. No one else can ruin me so completely. I know without a doubt that if I had an amata, even if they were alive today, I’d still choose you. It will always be you, Dianna.”

I felt tears prick my eyes. “Destiny be damned?”

“You are better than any destiny.”

My chest ached. I hadn’t known how much I needed to hear those words from him. With those words, Samkiel had soothed the damaged, broken part of me that Kaden had left gutted and in need of healing.

I pulled him down, slanting my lips over his as I lifted my hips. Samkiel showed he cared with words and pretty gestures. I showed it with something far more raw. I felt him harden inside of me as I moved again. He moaned into my mouth, his tongue dancing across mine.

“Insatiable.” He smiled against my lips. “I like it.”

“Just wait until—” My words died in my throat when beams flashed across the window, and a knock came from the door.

Samkiel eased out of me and stood. He tossed me a blanket to cover myself and went to the big window. Shifting the curtain to the side, he peeked out and then turned to grin at me like a fool.

“I think you drew an audience.”

My cheeks flushed, and my eyes widened, remembering just how loud I’d been.

“Every neighbor on this street is currently outside gathered around the house. I see a few celestials holding them back. Wait, I know that guy. I told Vincent to fire him.”

“Samkiel,” I hissed, tossing a pillow at him.

It connected with his side, and he laughed.

Someone knocked on the door again and called out, “Hello, this is private property. We received a noise complaint. You have one minute to open the door, or we will break it down.”

“We have to leave,” I whispered, scrambling up and searching for my discarded clothes.

I was supposed to be under lock and key, not out running all over Onuna. The celestials would take one look at him and me and know. It would spread like wildfire, and I didn’t even want to consider what the council would do if they found out.

As if reading my thoughts, Samkiel rushed to my side. With a snap of his fingers, he had the room cleaned up and our clothes back on our bodies. He scooped me up into his arms. The front door crashed open just as Samkiel shot through the back door.



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