Page 4 of Her Cold Brute

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Dad would have killed them himself if he knew what they did to me—or tried to at least. Thomas would have retaliated instantly and three against one…wouldn’t be a fair fight. Sammy and Ryan were too young to help although I know they would have tried, and I’d have lost all of them.

I turn my face further into Sammy’s shoulder, unable to look at Mark another moment. It draws two growls, one from Mark, the other from the huge wolf, and both are equally terrifying.

“Stay away from her,” Sammy warns, lifting me higher in his hold and the huge wolf snarls even louder.

“He won’t hurt her,” the other man states again but that sounds like absolute bullshit to me.

“Like the other piece of trash from your pack didn’t hurt her? Didn’t almost bite her leg off?” Sammy returns, pulling a deeper growl from the huge wolf. “You’re not getting anywhere near my sister. You’ll have to go through all of us first.”

“Sister?” the man says, as the wolf lets out a different growl, the tension in his back lessening before he turns to look at the other unknown wolves in the yard. “Who attacked her?”

“The dead one over there,” Ryan states, moving closer to us.

That pulls the wolf back our way, his eyes narrowing further, eclipsing any view of that vivid blue from sight. He takes another step our way and I pull back, leaning against Sammy more, wanting completely away from him.

Every time we move further away, towards the house, he growls more, making me shake with fear. Why can’t these wolves just leave me alone? The attack at graduation on top of everything that happened while growing up was bad enough, but today? Nothing makes sense.

“Cole, calm down,” the man says, but the wolf doesn’t begin to stop stalking our way. Sammy reaches out to open the door and the wolf lunges. My brother quickly drops us to the ground, so I don’t fall, shifting as he curls around me, Ryan right behind him. It’s their yelps of pain that pull my eyes open, finding the wolf standing over me, those dark eyes almost shut, teeth barred.

There’s no stopping it now and I just wait for it to snap those wickedly sharp teeth into my neck to end it finally. Even as I wait though, my arms come up to protect my head, curling up as much as my broken body will let me.

My leg is numb, but my middle isn’t, although I wish it were. The pain is worsening every minute, my pant leg coated with blood, and I know another bite will finish me. I’m losing too much already despite the tourniquet Henry tied around my leg. Every hobbled step and jerky movement’s caused it to loosen, allowing more blood to flow. Another bite and there won’t be any chance to stop it.

Something wet on my leg pulls my eyes open, and I sit back further from the huge wolf as its tongue bathes the bite. I’ve heard of wolves savoring in the blood of their victims, but this is too much. Way too much for me.

Sammy scrambles back to my side knocking the huge wolf down as both he and Ryan forge an attack from either side. He snarls as I gasp when Sammy lifts me, putting weight onto my injured leg, but it doesn’t hurt any longer. It’s not numb either. It feels…normal almost.

“What the hell?” Denny says before getting knocked down by the wolf as he tries to get back to my side.

“Sammy, let her go,” Dad states, shocking me more.

“Dad…” he starts to argue but Dad won’t let him.

“Just do it, Sammy. It’s an order.”

“I’m sorry,” Sammy whisper to me, terrifying me but even more so that Dad would give up that easily.

Sammy’s arms slip away from me, and I hold onto the doorway to keep myself upright, not trusting my hurt leg at all.

The wolf slides up to me, tall enough that its head is just above my neck. It sniffs at it, giving it a lick before he moves back to my injured leg. It gives it another lick before the hairy body disappears with popping and cracking, revealing a man even larger than Dad, larger than Alpha Thomas ever was.

He keeps getting larger as he stands, blocking out everyone except him from my view. The eyes that were so cold in wolf form now seem even colder. The same hint of icy blue encircling the dark pupils, and they stare into me just as hard.

“Mine,” he growls, his body caging me up against the door, his hands lifting to my face, and panic floods me as his lips came down towards mine.

“No…no,” I cry softly, pushing at his chest. The look that crossed his eyes sending me back two years to that night of terror. “No, not again…”

Chapter 2


The triumph of victory after taking down Thomas floods my veins. I’ve wanted to kill the bastard for far too long, but it’s taken me years to get the number of warriors to ensure we could overtake him. I wasn’t walking away from this with just Thomas’ lifeless body as reward. No, I was taking over his entire pack, going to make them kneel to me, obey me, and that meant taking out every single member that was a threat.

A woman screams as Thomas drops to the ground and I turn, letting the delight of this kill show in my eyes. She runs at me with a knife in hand, and I snap into her arm before she knows what’s happening, severing the limb as she drops. Her blood tastes like Thomas’ did, his daughter most likely. I’m about to snap through her neck to end her, rather than let her bleed out, when my wolf pulls me back, turning us away from the main fight at the packhouse.

I try to urge him back towards it but he’s adamant, racing across the grounds faster than ever. It’s not until I can see the group in the distance that I begin to understand his drastic flight. It’s not the fight that’s drawing us there, it’s the scent of blood.

Not just any blood though. It’s our mate’s blood that’s driving us.

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