Page 22 of Her Cold Brute

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I don’t answer with words. Instead, I lift my tops off, leaving me in just the bralette beneath them, as I press up against him seeking his warmth and touch.

A new growl flies from his lips, but it doesn’t frighten me in the least. Not even when he lifts me from the couch, guiding my legs around his waist, bringing his hard, thick erection right up against my core, only our pants separating us.

I expect the bed to be cold with it situated directly in front of the windows, but it’s just as warm as the couch was, and grows warmer when Cole lays me down, crawling over me after kicking off his pants. His body is completely bare, letting me see every single thick, hard, needy inch of him.

He settles it right against my belly his eyes holding mine, and I squirm beneath him, trying to get him lower where I ache most. “I’m going to come all over you belly if you don’t stay still, baby, and believe me, that not even close to where I want to be when I come.”

“Show me,” I urge him, emotions and desires flooding me entirely, making it impossible to resist or hold back. His mouth comes down on mine as his hands skim over my body, and I’m thankful the bralette has a front clasp he finds with a happy growl against my lips.

His hands cover my breasts, teasing them before his mouth parts from mine, his lips trailing down my jaw, teasing over my neck pulling a whimper from me, but he keeps going down my chest, until he covers a tight peak, pulling a gasp of shock from me. “Cole!”

“So sweet, everywhere,” he growls, nipping and lathing at my breasts before he moves lower, teasing my belly button as his hands push my pants down, taking my panties with them. He sits back, staring at me, sending shivers through me that’s all heat, not a single ounce of cold buffeting against my body. “You’re mine, Mora. Tell me you’re mine, that I can claim you because there’s no way I can claim your body without claiming you entirely as mine now.”

“Yes, please,” I tell him, earning a shake of his head that makes me whine. “Cole, please.”

“Tell me I can claim you baby. That I can sink my teeth into your skin right here,” he says, teasing my neck with his fingers, and it makes my body clench hard, my eyes fluttering shut, as all of me comes alive. “Mark you for the world to see, to show you belong to me, warn them that if they touch you, I will end them,” he adds, his body hovering over me, finding his face right above mine as my eyes reopen.

There’s not an ounce of anger in his gaze, just pure, unending need and something I’ve only ever seen between my mom and dad before—a look of absolute love and devotion, and I can barely speak through the emotions coating my throat. “You can claim me, make me yours. I know I’ve made you wait…”

I don’t get another word out before his mouth takes mine in a harder, hungrier kiss, quieting my tongue for all but tangling with his. His lips pull away from mine once more, trailing down my body but this time, they travel much faster, only giving me the barest little whisper of a touch on my neck, but it makes my pussy clench hard again. His hands pull my legs open, his shoulders widening them further, and I can’t stop the scream that falls when his mouth covers my pussy, licking and suckling, and nipping at my flesh until a coiling inside me snaps, sending me over the edge and flying into those stunning colors in the sky with a shout of his name.

He growls out as he sends me back into them, his hand cradling my head and neck as I come back down to him once more. His body is pressed against mine, and my legs part, bringing his hard, pulsing cock into the v of my body. “Claim me,” I tell him, my leg wrapping around his waist, and his thick head glides past my opening, filling me fuller and fuller, a hot stretch making me hiss as his thickness claims every bit of me as his.

“Mine,” he growls into my ear, his body tight as he tries to stay still.

“Yours,” I agree, my hips lifting sending a full shiver through me.

“Mine,” he growls again, before his body begins to move, taking me with him on the sweetest, most beautiful journey ever. His mouth claims mine, teasing and nipping at my lips, my tongue, as he moves slowly at first, his thrusts growing harder and faster as I cling tighter to him, needing something more, something I can’t begin to explain as I teeter on the edge.

“Let me have it, baby. Let me have all of you, Mora,” Cole urges, pulling my eyes to his, my body melting into the mattress, and everything inside me breaks. My body arches hard up against him, leaving the earth to meet him in the beautiful sky above us, and tears slip free as he holds me close.

Warmth is all around me as I shiver against his body. My face in his neck. There aren’t any words needed at this moment. Not even to ask why he didn’t mark me yet. Right now, none of that matters because I just found the only place in the world I want to be…in Cole’s arms in the heavens no one else could possibly have reached before us.

Chapter 12


I hold Mora close, her heart beating along with mine, and as her tears stop, I reach down, and kiss them from her cheeks. These tears I won’t ever argue. They’re the sweetest ones I could ever find, and I’ll gladly take them every day from here forward.

This was honestly the last thing I anticipated happening when I brought her up here. Stars know it’s what I wanted, but I never expected her to make the first move. Even last night she was hesitant when we were at my place, her kisses shy, but tonight…there’s none of that between us and I’ll never complain that it’s gone.

My wolf lets out a grumble, wanting more, wanting our mark on her neck, claiming her as we come deep inside her again, but the way we want it is something we might not get. The last thing I want is to remind her in any way of what happened to her when she was sixteen, what those bastards did to her. Dominating a mate is something that should be sacred between them, an understanding that it’s not about making the woman feel weak but showing her that her partner is strong enough to please them both, and that she can be vulnerable with him. Those two used it to brutalize my mate, humiliate her, and that makes me want to kill them all over again—especially now that I’ve gone to the stars with my mate and want to take her to them in the deepest connection possible.

I turn her in my arms, holding her back against my chest and lower my face to her neck, inhaling her scent to calm my wolf. My mouth kisses and nibbles against her neck, my hands roaming down her body and her ass presses back against my hard cock, pulling a grunt from us. “Easy now, mate, I don’t want to hurt you taking you again so soon.”

“You won’t, Cole. Take me, claim me, please,” she pleads, and it has my wolf wanting it all, right this second.

I lift her leg, sliding into her tight little pussy, and hold her back against me, savoring the feel of her wet sheath gripping me like a vise. My mouth slides back to her neck, suckling on the spot where my teeth will mark her as mine, and my wolf lets out a huff, wanting more, needing more.

I move us a bit more, until her hips are pressing into the mattress, her upper half still partly turned, and gather her even closer. “Is this okay, baby?” I ask her, when she lets out a little whimper.

“Yes, please, Cole, do it,” she cries, and I pull her up onto her knees, my body caging hers in, blanketing her back, bringing another whimper to her lips.

“Tell me if it’s too much, if I’m too rough, because you feel too good to stop now,” I warn her, my hips moving, filling her over and over, my hands holding here where I need, bringing the orgasm on fast. Her walls are fluttering around my length, begging for it, and without a pause, I sink my teeth into her neck, releasing inside her as she clamps down hard on my dick.

My tongue swipes over her mark, my wolf shouting in pleasure, but it’s her soft cry of more that hits hardest. It’s not from her lips, but inside me, and I can’t begin to stop as her emotions flood me, the claim binding her to me entirely.

“That’s my good little mate,” I tease her, as she comes for me again, her body quaking with it. “You won’t ever deny me what’s mine will you, baby? You’ll gladly let me bend you over, take you, pleasing me and my wolf who both love you more than our own life.”

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