Page 24 of Heart Surgeon

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Waking entwined together, we have slept more times on this floor than my back would like to remember. She laughs as I stretch and grow. “Hey …” I curse at her as I swot her with a cushion from the sofa.

“Coffee?” She asks knowingly and I moan appreciatively.

“Fuck, yes. You know the way straight to my heart.” I say as she stands gracefully, reaching up onto the balls of her feet so she can reach and stretch. I watch her nakedness, displayed in the early morning sun and I feel the heat straight between my legs.

I could have her again. And again. And again.

She catches my gaze and laughs reaching for my silk robe and pulling it on. “No, No, No. Maybe later. If you are lucky,” she says in a soft singsong voice as she dances her way over to the kitchen and begins setting up the coffee machine. I watch as she moves effortlessly, our home etched in her muscle memory, her brain on autopilot as she makes us two perfect hot cups of freshly ground and brewed coffee.

“And is there a reason why …” I ask and I pull myself up to take the cup from her fingers?

She glances over the top as she settles down on the sofa. Taking her sweet time, she leans in and takes a sip. I watch as she savors the taste making me wait for her answer. She knows I am watching her every move.

“Oh well, no reason. I just figured I would make you wait.” She says seriously and then her face breaks into a huge smile. I take a gulp of my coffee, too deep. It burns my lips and then my tongue but I barely notice. I am already settling the cup down on the hard wooden floors. As I move onto my knees the blanket falls from my body and drops to the floor leaving me naked and bare.

There are glistening lines of wetness smeared across my thighs from the night before. She and I, painting my skin in our love and lust for each other. I crawl slowly, making my way to her. I watch as she sinks back into our soft sofa, my silk robe falling undone and exposing her body as she lets out a tiny soft sigh of anticipation. She slides her ass forwards so her thighs can spread and she blossoms right in front of me.

I lean in, nice and slow. My kisses start at her knee, my teeth graze her for a light bite. I take a taste of her flesh I watch her hands tremble and I move up, reaching to take the cup from her palms and as I do our fingers brush … just for a second but that light tender stroke of her delicate hands makes me pause. The sparks fly between us and I feel it in every inch of my body.

I know a heart inside out. I know how it works, I know how it beats, I know how it powers our bodies and our brains and how it is the organ that gives our entire body life.

But there is not a single doubt in me, that Arya is forever etched in mine.

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