Page 63 of One Pucking Time

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I was so full. So stretched. So in tune with both of my guys. Bash teased my nipples, pinching one while sucking the other, as Mac slowly drew his cock out of me. Sliding back in, stretching me as he filled me.

I pulsed around him uncontrollably as the sensation of being empty, then full, over and over again at such a sinfully slow pace rebuilt the orgasm he had stopped. He made a few more delectably slow strokes, teasing me open every time his head penetrated.

“Mac—I’m so close.”

“Come for me,” he whispered, his breath ragged. He kept up his slow tempo, sliding in and out of me as I gripped him. The sheets. Bash. Anything I could get a hold of as my body lost control.

One last slow drag out, and then Mac slammed his cock inside me right as my body tipped over the edge. Straight into oblivion, as stars swam behind my eyes.

He cried out my name as he found his own release, pumping into me as I pulsed relentlessly through my own.

As I came down, he stroked my hair, murmuring my name over and over again. “You’re so beautiful. You took my cock so well.”

He slid out of me and pressed his lips to my stomach, wrapping his arms around my waist as he rested his head on me. Our ragged breathing synchronized as calm settled over me.

It was the first time I had orgasmed from sex. I was overwhelmed and ready to cry, but I couldn’t. Bash was protective of me. If he thought I was the least bit uncomfortable, he wouldn’t give me what I really wanted from him.

As if he could read my mind, he stroked my cheek. “Need a second?” His eyes, so warm, so tender, sent heat through me. An ache only he could relieve.

“I need you, Bash.”

“I’m right here, my love.”

My love.

The words thundered through me. As friends, we had said the L word plenty of times to each other. But like this? Like we meant it with our whole hearts? This was the first time it had been uttered.

It wasn’t directly an I love you, but it was pretty damn close.

The tears I had been pushing down threatened to overwhelm me, but I swallowed them. I didn’t realize until that moment how badly I longed to hear that my guys loved me. We hadn’t been dating very long, so I had tempered my expectations, knowing if these relationships made it that far, they would tell me.

I could always tell them first, but I knew I was already pushing the limits of what I could expect from people. The last thing I wanted to do was push either of them away.

Bash slid a condom on and a fire burned in my core. I should have been satisfied by Mac. Sex with him was incredible. It was literally the best I had ever had. And I knew Bash would be just as good. It wouldn’t be a competition between the two of them—at least not to me.

But I needed more than just one of them.

I knew this was a special treat. When we were home, there wouldn’t be a lot of opportunities for us to stay in the same place. Maybe I could convince them to make this a tradition for overnight games.

“Ready for me, Em?”

“I’ve been ready for a long time,” I murmured.

Fire flashed behind Bash’s eyes as he settled himself between my legs, rubbing my thighs until I was squirming beneath him.

His hand trailed to my clit where he pressed, and I was ready to come again, but I wanted my next orgasm with his cock inside me. I had waited too long for this.


Mac’s eyes dragged from my face to Bash’s. “Yeah?”

“Put your hand here.”

Mac nodded and slid next to me, his fingers stroking my clit, relaxing me as Bash notched himself at my entrance.

“Breathe out slowly,” he instructed. “Tell me right away if I hurt you.”

“Okay,” I whispered.

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