Page 43 of One Pucking Time

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Did I enjoy getting under his skin? Absolutely.

Did I love it when he lost his cool the night before? Hell yes.

Was I terrified Emily would constantly compare the two of us and I’d always come up short? One-hundred fucking percent.

So maybe telling her I wanted to see the rest of her body was a little too much and way too soon, but I couldn’t help it. It was true. She had me enthralled and I couldn’t hide it from her.

I waited as she studied my face, the intensity of her gaze only turning me on more.

“You still haven’t asked your question,” she said in a husky, breathy voice that made my chest tighten.

That was my girl. She wasn’t frightened by my boldness. Hell, I’d even go so far to think she liked my brazen comment.

I ran my finger down her jawline, not stopping until I reached her collarbone. “Where is the craziest place you’ve hooked up with someone?”

Her cheeks radiated heat as she glanced away.

Shit. Too far, Mac.

“You don’t have to answer—”

“It’s—” She tugged at the zipper on her jacket. “Well, in a bed. And that’s it.”

“Okay, that’s pretty normal for sex. But what about—”

“A bed. For anything. Everything,” she mumbled.

Her gaze flicked to mine, and my heart stopped.

Her eyes, pure and as blue as the sky, were challenging me. Drawing me out of my head and into this part of my body that didn’t want to overthink things.

“Want to change that?”

Chapter Seventeen


My heart thundered as Mac pulled me over to a dense patch of trees. “What if someone catches us?”

He grabbed my shoulders, assessing me with his tongue peeking from the corner of his mouth. “I’m at least twice as wide as you. No one will see anything.”

“But how—?”

His green eyes grew more vibrant as he smirked. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” I breathed.

I couldn’t explain why, but Mac was someone I would trust with my life. The moment I saw him, there was a powerful connection between us. He was reckless and impulsive, and I craved his energy.

He was so different from Bash, and I wanted both of them so fully.

Bash and I had the benefit of time, but my connection with Mac was instant. I knew he felt it, too. He would lay down his life for me—which would be pointless because I would die without him.

He pushed a thatch of thick branches out of the way and surveyed the spot from a few angles.

I mimicked his scowl and shoved my shoulder against him. “What are we looking for?”

He grinned and pointed to the trail we started on. “From here, I can see anyone coming.” A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. “While you’re coming—”

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