Page 41 of One Pucking Time

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“Not yet.” He kissed my forehead and drew me closer to him. “I don’t want anything more right now. I am so happy and satisfied.”

He was telling the truth. I could tell he meant what he said, but I was baffled. Every single one of my exes had expected blow jobs. They had expected to get off before ever worrying about me. And worrying about me consisted of waiting while I took care of myself.

“Okay,” I whispered.

He propped up on his elbow and studied my face. “What is it, Em?”

“Nothing. I’m happy, too.” I stretched up and kissed the tip of his nose.

He frowned. “How long until your date?”

I glanced at the clock and gasped. “An hour. I should shower—”

“Don’t shower.”

“But I just—we just—”

“If Mac can’t handle how good you smell right now, it’s his loss. Not mine.” Bash smirked, and I felt guilty for how much pleasure I took from seeing him like this.

“I’m at least changing out of this skirt before I go—it’s hardly appropriate for hiking.”

Bash slid his hand up the skirt, his hand landing warm on my inner thigh. A wicked smile broke across his face. “Definitely not appropriate for a hike.”

He had always been protective of me and watched over me.

But not like this.

He pulled me tight against him. I could tell he wanted to talk, but neither of us said a word as the clock ran out.

Chapter Sixteen


“There’s a secret path right through here—” Emily pulled a branch back and stepped aside for me to enter first.

I grabbed the branch, taking the tension from her grasp. “You first.”

She smiled and tucked in front of me, leading us down a narrow path surrounded by small trees that had grown from the seeds of the larger trees flanking the main path.

Her ass, thick and full, had my full attention as I followed her. Doing some digging, I found out she enjoyed hiking—with Bash, but hey, he didn’t own the trails—so I suggested a hike and asked her to pick the trail.

Her choice did not disappoint.

We passed by a few people at the trailhead, but farther in, she was leading me on side paths that wound through what was literally a forest. And what she called hills, I was certain, were mountains. I grew up in a desert compared to this place. A flat, barren desert.

Emily stopped in front of me, and I wrapped my arm around her waist, taking in the sight in front of us and the feel of her against me.

“This has to be the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.”

“It never gets old.” She sighed and stared forward at the mountain in the distance. “Do you hike a lot?”


“You live in Washington—”

“Turns out it’s not an actual requirement, regardless of what those sasquatch commercials say.”

She groaned and leaned against me. I was wearing sweats, and she was wearing leggings that didn’t look very thick. If she could feel my erection, she didn’t react. She did lean back a little harder after her ass brushed against me, though.

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