Page 25 of One Pucking Time

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Her eyes widened. “You know my last name?”

“Always good to find out information about the new girl at work.”


“Of course.”

She grinned, her smile brilliant, and I watched her every movement as she sauntered up to our private stage.

“And what selection do you have for us, Miss Avery?”

“I—” She watched the screen, clutching the microphone, as her carefree attitude evaporated.

The driving notes of Sweet Caroline filled the room, but Emily just stared, frozen in place.

I hopped up, grabbing the second mic, and drowned out the backing track. Within seconds, my horrendous singing had the intended effect. Bolstered by my screeching, a slow smile overtook her face, and she tentatively sang along, getting stronger with each note.

And you can best believe I followed all of Mr. Diamond’s instructions. He said to touch hands, so I touched hands. He told me to reach out, so I reached. I lost myself in the soft warmth of her lower back as I pressed our bodies together, agreeing with Neil that good times had never seemed so good.

She swayed to the music with me as our voices fused.

And I fell in love.

I think I fell in love the moment she walked past me that morning, but right then, I was certain.

This was a woman I would follow to the ends of the earth.

I dated. A lot. But I had never felt this connection with someone.

With Emily, I had this inner peace. This inner knowing. Like I could sense what she needed from me. I knew what to say next. It was more confidence than I’d had in a long time.

The song ended, and she heaved a sigh, laughing as she looped the microphone back on its hook.

I put mine back too and tugged her toward me. “I’m all karaoke-d out. Wait. Is that a word?”

She laughed and let me pull her to the couch. “If it’s not, it should be.”

“I’ll keep singing if you want to—”

She shook her head, sending her soft brown curls tumbling over her shoulder. “No, that was enough singing for me.”

I reached out and twisted her hair around my finger. “Good. Let’s order some food.”

I handed her a menu from the shelf behind the settee and thumbed through my own. “The steak is delicious here.”

“Steak and karaoke?”

I shrugged and pointed to the menu. “It’s the best. It comes with all the sides you could want—”

“I am starving.”

“So two steaks then?”

She nodded, and I picked up the receiver next to the stack of menus to place our order.

While it rang through to the kitchen, I mentally pinched myself.

A girl who wasn’t afraid to eat in front of her date. Score.

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