Page 23 of One Pucking Time

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Bash’s breathing increased, falling on my neck, sending goosebumps down my back. Goosebumps I didn’t want to feel while facing my date.

I pushed off him, hoping he’d get the hint.

Instead of leaving now that he knew who was picking me up, he leaned against the doorframe, his arm touching the top as if he wanted to be as tall as possible. He was tall, but he was still a couple of inches shorter than Mac and I wasn’t completely sure, but it seemed like he wanted to intimidate him.

“You’re her date?”

Mac’s eyes widened, and he took a step back.

“Sorry about this one,” I said, pressing my heel into Bash’s toes.

He stepped back, but never took his eyes off Mac.

“Bardot.” Mac dipped his chin and smiled at Bash.

I glanced back at Bash and shot him a dirty look as he scowled at Mac.

Instead of responding like a civilized human being, he grunted.

He actually grunted.

Like a wild animal.

I half expected him to raise his leg and pee on me.

“What’s up?” I gritted out under my breath.

Bash’s eyes flicked to mine before locking back onto Mac.

“This is your date.”

“Yes,” I answered, even though the words were more of a curse than a question. I turned to Mac, my cheeks burning. “I would invite you in, but I’m not sure what happened to my roommate.”

“Roommate?” Mac grinned. “How fun.”

His tone held no sarcasm, but I could feel the seething anger radiating from Bash.

I pressed my hand to his chest, waiting until he looked at me fully.

“I’ll be home in a few hours. I’ll be safe, okay?”

He looked at my hand and sighed, placing his on top. The anger dissolved, and he nodded.

“Have fun, Em.”

He kissed my cheek. Something he had done countless times. Something he did every time we said goodbye. But this kiss felt territorial. It ignited an ache within me.

Mac leaned forward, hand outstretched. “I’ll treat her well, Bardot.”

Bash glanced at Mac’s offered hand and shut the door.

Mac escorted me to our waiting car, and I turned to look at the house, certain I would see Bash in the window.

But the window was empty.

Chapter Ten


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