Page 20 of One Pucking Time

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But he hadn’t.

It wasn’t something I had to worry about.

She chose me.

The weight of that sunk in as I sailed across the ice.

This was my element.

Blades to ice was the closest I would ever come to flying, and I flew through practice, ready to take on the world. Or at least the next several hours until I saw Emily again.

Thank God for a packed day that wouldn’t give me time to overthink.

Bardot wouldn’t be happy I was taking his friend’s sister out, but unless she told him, he didn’t have to know.

The last thing I needed was his judgmental input.

Chapter Nine


I slipped into the kitchen and relaxed when I saw Bash, his back to me, as he stirred a pot on the stove.

This respite with Bash was a welcome relief. I hadn’t realized how wound up the interview had me.

And then that talk with Mac Savage?

God. I’d never met anyone so confident.

The way he warned me about mocking his name had me crossing my legs to find some relief. But I mean, come on, Savage?

Sebastian turned around, smiling when he saw me. “How’d the interview go?”

I held up the folder and grinned, the smile splitting my face. “I got the job.”

The words washed over me in waves of relief. I was now working for the same people as Bash. He’d been with the Evergreens for a couple years and this franchise prided themselves on longevity and loyalty. It might not be my dream job, but it was solid and would be dependable. Being able to carpool with him was a nice benefit, too.

Sebastian’s eyes widened, and he closed the distance between us, pulling me into his arms. He smelled like basil and ripe tomatoes from the food he was cooking. I leaned into his hug, close enough to smell his cologne that overwhelmed me at home.

But here?

In the midst of nerves and new beginnings, it centered me.

He gave me a soft landing place whenever I needed it. I ached to tell him how much he meant to me. It was on the tip of my tongue until he pulled away, needing to stir the food.

“Did any of the players give you a hard time on your way here?”

“Not at all.”

He smirked and shook his head. “Give it time.”

“One of the guys actually showed me how to get to the kitchen after my interview.”

“Really now?” He quirked up a brow. “You needed help, or you just wanted to be escorted by a hot hockey player?”

“This complex is confusing.”

“You’ve walked to the kitchen with me before.”

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