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I interrupted, suddenly not in the mood for her gimmicks. “Where is she going?”

“To my fundraiser, of course.”

I should have known something was up when she desperately pleaded for me to let Evie accompany her to the dress store.

“And you didn't think to inform me?”

“Come on, brother. It's her day off from work, and since Mom isn’t feeling too strong to go to my event, she can take care of Sophie. Let the lady breathe a little.”

Irritation curved my lips. “Gwendolyn, this doesn't make any sense. I have rules—”

My words were caught short when Sophie wiggled out of Mother’s embrace before she ran to Evie. Evie lowered herself with a smile. I raised a brow when Sophie started to trace a finger on her dress.

“You’re so pretty,” she whispered. “I like your dress.”

Her whisper was barely audible. But I heard it. And from the pause in the room, every other person heard it. Evie too froze. She didn't expect it.

My daughter spoke. For the first time in a long time, Sophie said something more than a request for a snack. She spoke six words… two sentences.

My heart skipped many beats as I replayed her words. My chest constricted. It felt like I’d die, but I didn't mind. I'd die a happy man.

Instantly, I rushed to her and picked her up. It was a struggle not to hug her fragile body too tight. But God, did I want to.

I buried my nose in her hair, just inhaling the revitalizing scent of hope. She spoke.

“Wow.” Mother spoke. I didn't look at their faces, but I was sure their reaction was the same as mine.

“Yes, Mom, wow.” Gwendolyn followed.

Still holding my daughter, I finally spared a glance at Evie. Her hands were frozen by her side as her eyes remained on Sophie.

“Sophie,” I returned my attention to my daughter. She peered at me through her lashes. I didn't know what to say without making it look like I was pressuring her. “Will you… do you…”

I struggled to find the right question. Before I could come up with one, Mother walked up to me.

“Ethan, you should go support your sister. I'll take care of Sophie till you return.”

Fuck the fundraiser. I wanted to stay with my daughter. To listen to her talk. I wanted to regain those one-and-half years. I wanted her to speak to me.

I shook my head at Mother. “I'd rather stay home.”

My unsteady breathing filled the room as it became silent.

“Ethan w—”


No. I wouldn't give up this moment for Gwendolyn.

“Mr. Thorne.” I traced the small voice to Evie. “You need to let Grandma take care of Sophie until you return. By then, the pressure would be less on Sophie, and she wouldn't feel timid speaking to you again.”

Sophie leaned against my chest. With her face curled deep against my suit.

Slowly, I loosened my grip, and Mother took her from my hands. It was hard to let go, but I had to listen to Evie.



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