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“I watched her grow up.” She finally stopped just before we reached the dining area. “I knew her before… before the incident. It hurts to watch her this way.”

“… I’ve watched many like you come, nannies and therapists alike, but none of them have been able to achieve anything.”

She breathed and stretched her head to the dining area as if to search for something. I furrowed my brows when she faced me.

“Many had different things to say,” her voice reduced to a whisper. “Some therapists said there was no hope for her while some nannies quit because, according to them, they were losing themselves caring for a silent child.”

I frowned. Those were mean statements. Mean and unnecessary.

“Some even went as far as saying she was possessed.”

An involuntary gasp escaped my lips. Virginia quickly placed a finger on her lips. “Shhh.”

“But what happened. What exactly did she witness?”

She raised a tentative brow at me. “You don't know?”

If I knew, would I be asking?

“No.” I shook my head.

I watched the wheels turn in her head. Like she was contemplating telling me. Tension settled in the air as I anticipated her reply. “Then you need to ask Mr. Thorne.”

“Why can't y—”

“Virginia!” The heavily accented voice sliced the tension in the air. Disappointment shrouded my heart as Virginia quickly dashed in the direction of the voice. Fuck.

Why now?

I entered the dining area to see Sophie eating silently and Joseph standing at a distance, watching her.

“Aren't you supposed to be her nanny? Where were you? Should the little girl be eating without somebody watching her? What if she hurts herself?”

Irritation filled me at his commanding tone. First of all, he wasn't my fucking boss, and second, the girl had selective mutism, not mental issues.

“It's highly unlikely for her to… hurt herself.” I shot him a tight-lipped smile.

He frowned, shooting daggers through his eyes but I met contact with a hard stare of mine. It looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it. Then turned to Virginia. “And Virginia, the kitchen is messy. Do what you have to do.”

Another wave of irritation hit me when Virginia scampered from her position to the kitchen. Wasn’t he the chef? Wasn't that his job? To cook and clean after his own damn self?

Pushing my rising anger to a corner, I took a seat beside Sophie.

My food was also dished. I didn't care to know by whom as I picked up a thick slice of the French toast. It was paired with a glass of orange juice. Today would be great.

Slowly, time rolled by and I watched Sophie until she was done eating. I watched her until she completed her routine and it was time for bed. Just as we exited her playroom, I stumbled into Joseph… and his plates.

“The boss’s food!” he shrieked. “Why didn't you watch where you're going?”

I looked down at my dress to find sauce dripping down my chest.

Breathe, Evie.

This bastard looked like he did it on purpose. Maybe payback for talking back at him during breakfast.

Sophie was the first person that came to mind. If I gave Joseph a piece of my mind, it would be bad for her to witness it. Clenching my fist, I stormed out of the scene then searched for Virginia.

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