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I took in the few people present. Mrs. Thorne, Henry, Gwendolyn, Joseph, Virginia, and of course, Sophie. The rest were unfamiliar faces— unfamiliar but happy faces.

Each pair of eyes that stared back at me was filled with love and happiness.

Releasing a deep breath, I focused my attention on the only person that mattered right now.

Slowly every other thing dissolved, including the nervousness.

Ethan Thorne, clad in a three-piece designer suit, was the only man who had this effect on me.

His eyes followed every movement I made as I continued toward him. The smile on his face was one in a million. It was different from the other times he smiled.

Even from here, I could see the corner of his eyes crinkling beautifully. His sharp jaws were well defined and his eyes so bright they could light up a million candles.

This was the man I loved.

We got to him, and Dad handed me over to Ethan. Something about the act caused tears to well up in my eyes again. Dad took his seat, and I was left with Ethan.

He gave me a reassuring smile, rubbing my hand soothingly.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Ethan Thorne and his love, Evie Norman.”

The priest's voice rose in the hall. My heart fluttered. This was all real, my beautiful reality.

“You may say your vows.”

He started.

“Evie, from the moment we met, I was awestruck by your beauty.”

A blush quickly stained my cheeks at his confession.

“You had… have the innocence of an angel but the strength of a fighter. That was what drew me to you.” He inhaled–again.

“Your kindness is a beacon that has helped me find myself. It’s a light that surpasses every darkness. Even when I was a terrible person you stayed. When I had no love to give, you stayed and taught me the true meaning of love. In such a short time, you have become my world, and I would have it no other way.”

“You are the missing piece I never knew I needed, and I vow to cherish you, to support you, and to love you unconditionally for as long as long as I have breath.”

Applause erupted from the crowd as I struggled to hold back my tears. The smile on his face made it a lot harder to hold the tears back.

It was my turn.

“Ethan, I didn't believe in the narcissistic nature of wealthy men until I met you.” I began softly, causing everyone to burst into laughter, Ethan included.

“But I also didn't believe I could find love in the oddest places,” I smiled.

“When I first arrived at your mansion, my sole aim was to help Sophie, but each day I saw you, my heart fluttered. It wasn’t long before I realized it was love.” My voice turned raw with emotions.

“I wouldn’t trade the moments we spent together for anything, and I want you to know that our journey…everything that led us here, has made me a better person.”

“I’m forever grateful for the day I met you and how far we’ve come. I promise to love you and our baby... and to build a happy life together with you and Sophie for as long as eternity stands.”

A tear rolled down my cheeks, a small smile playing on my lips.

“Those are beautiful vows,” the priest continued.

He glanced at Ethan. “Do you, Ethan, take Evie to be your wife, from this day forward, until death do you part?”

Ethan stared straight into my eyes and spoke a resounding, ‘I do,’ filled with all the love I could see in his eyes.

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