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The weight of the realization weakened my limbs.

I gripped the edge of the table.

I’d… I’d seen it coming— this, but it was a slow-motion train wreck I couldn't bring myself to stop.

It was my inevitable doom. I was a self-centered… selfish bastard, and this was what I deserved.

I didn't deserve her. I didn't deserve to chase after her.

The bitter taste of regret flooded my mouth.

I thought I was being safe.

I thought it was in our best interest if I only focused on what matters— my relationship with James, my company, and Sophie, but I was wrong.

I failed to see that she mattered, too. I failed to see that she mattered until the very end.

“You treated me like trash. Still, I looked past your flaws. I understood the burdens of your past and even shared in them. And this… this is what I get in return?”


I’d do anything to erase that narrative.

I’d do anything to go back in time and right my wrongs, even if it meant betraying James again.

I’d do anything just to make sure this wasn't the end.

I dug my fingernails into the table. This wasn’t the end. This couldn't fucking be.

Like a fresh cloud of realization descended upon me, I shot up, racing past the door.

The elevators descended at a painfully slow pace. When it opened, I sprinted out.

I couldn't lose her.

I ran outside the building like the crazed bastard I was. My chest heaved heavy breaths as I scanned everywhere.


She was gone. I was too late.

I just hoped she went to the mansion. I hoped she gave me a second chance.

“Fuck!” I yelled when I didn’t find my car keys in my pocket.

I quickly ran out the compound and tried to hail a cab. None of them seemed to stop.

What the fuck was going on?

I was on the edge of insanity when one stopped.

I quickly jumped in, describing the address of the mansion. I was grateful when he sensed my urgency and matched the accelerator.

My breathing was still erratic. Seeing Evie was the only way I could calm down.

Leaning my head against the jagged headrest, I dug my nails into my palms. I had to see her…I couldn’t lose her. I couldn’t lo-

Abruptly, the car came to a halt. Anger filled me when I looked to see flashing lights and traffic cones blocking off the lane.

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