Page 86 of Bryce

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“Hey! I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” Samantha said as she pulled her friend into a hug.

“It’s been like two weeks,” Rayelle pointed out. “I’m glad you finally decided to let the little man out of your sight for a night. You both need a break. Being a stay-at-home mom is no joke.”

Samantha couldn’t agree more. As guilty as she felt thinking it, staying at home taking care of Bryson day in and day out with no break was the hardest thing she’d ever done. She wouldn’t trade the opportunity for the world, but it was exhausting.

“Thanks for taking him. If he drives you crazy, just call one of us and we’ll come get him.”

Bryce had wrangled the boys from the bedroom, and Rayelle took both by the hand and directed them to stand by the door. After swinging Bryson’s bag over her shoulder, she took their hands and walked out into the hall.

“Bye, guys. I will not call you even if he burns the house down. You kids have fun.”

“Wait. Not so fast,” Samantha said, speeding into the hall behind them. “Little B. Give Mama hugs and kisses.”

Bryson turned and jumped into her arms, squeezing as tight as his little arms would allow, and gave her wet kisses followed by a raspberry on her cheek. Samantha laughed before putting him down, discreetly using her shoulder to wipe his slobber from her face.

“You be good. I’ll see you tomorrow. Are you okay going—” she started to ask, but he had turned and was running toward the stairs with Benny before she could finish her question. He would be fine.

After watching them disappear down the stairs, she finally turned and went back into her apartment. With a heavy sigh, she closed the door behind herself before leaning against it.

“He’ll be fine, you know.” Bryce sauntered over to her and placed his hands on the door, boxing her in.

“I know. I couldn’t wait for this break, but I miss him already,” she admitted.

“I know you do. And so do I. But I’ve also missed you.”

He stepped closer until she felt his body pressed against hers. “I’ve missed you, too.”

He covered her mouth with what started as a gentle kiss. As soon as his tongue teased at her lips, her body came alive. Sure, they’d had sex since Bryson was born, but the idea of having an entire night to themselves, to do whatever they wanted without worrying about being quiet? Yes, please. She gripped his shirt and tugged, expecting him to take over and pull it the rest of the way off.

“Easy.” He chuckled. “There’s no rush.”

With a short laugh of her own, she stepped back. “You started it. I was just over here minding my business,” she teased. “What did you have in mind?”

Bryce grabbed her by the hand, leading her into the living room. Feeling the same butterflies as she had when they first met, she followed him into the living room. She was skeptical when all he did was take a seat on the sofa.

“Movie night?” he suggested, patting the spot next to him.

“Oh. Okay. We can do that.”

“Sam.” He pulled her close. “We have all night.”

It was a reminder she needed to hear. Those words helped her to relax more than she had in what felt like years. They had all night. No one was going to interrupt them. They could watch a movie or do literally anything they wanted. Draping her legs over his, she turned toward him and rested her head on his shoulder as he picked out a movie.

Bryce really did want to spend some time with his wife and watch a movie. They rarely got a chance to do that, even if they included Bryson in on the movie night. Work was busier than ever, which was a good thing, but he wasn’t lying when he told Samantha he missed her. He missed her the way she was when it was just the two of them and she allowed herself a carefree moment.

The movie hadn’t been on long, but he was already spending more time watching her than he was the movie. She wore short cotton pajama shorts and a tank top, her smooth legs draped over his. He gave in to the urge to touch her, caressing her legs with long strokes. His touch was intended to be soothing, but when she went rigid beside him, he knew it was having a different effect.

“You said movie night,” she reminded him.

“I know. I just wanted to touch you while I watch the movie. If that’s not allowed, you shouldn’t have your legs in my lap.”

“You can’t make rules up as we go. You know this is my preferred way to sit on the couch.”

His chuckle came out closer to a growl. “It’s different when we’re alone.”

“Is that really a bad thing?” Samantha stroked his inner thigh, sending heat straight to his groin. “We designed the bedroom to have your office space in there so we could keep the third bedroom free. We need to work on filling it, so all that effort wasn’t for nothing.”

Effortlessly, he lifted her legs and positioned himself above her as she lay back on the couch, a look of surprise on her face. “Don’t threaten me with a good time. I’d love to fill this place with kids, and I’d also be fine just doing the things we need to do in order to fill it with kids.”

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