Page 69 of Insidious Obsession

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“I’m not,” I grit out, not even realizing I’d been staring in his direction.

That’s when she notices the bandage on my hand.

“Oh, what happened to your hand?” she asks, worried.

“I cut it on a broken piece of porcelain in my office. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.”

She doesn’t seem pleased by my answer but doesn’t ask further. I am slipping and fucking my role up royally.

“I don’t know what’s been happening between you two but if you had some kind of fight you can always make up for it. Now Luca’s made himself available for you… If you’re out of the picture every woman’s going to try.”

No one would understand the depths of what’s happening between Luca and me because they don’t even understand me. Although that is for self-preservation, I wish it wasn’t getting under my skin as it does now. Or the fact women idolize this crazed maniac. I take a sip from my cocktail hoping it’ll drown out the thoughts.

I feel like I am in a fucking pressure cooker I can’t escape.

This whole thing is a façade and I’ve become too complacent, even enjoying my time with Luca as much as I curse and begrudge it. I am meant to play a role, but not fall for it myself.

“It’s a shame Lorenzo hasn’t joined him, but I don’t ever see him at events like this, I suppose,” Lily says.

If Lily knew who I really was she wouldn’t be my friend but if I can offer her any form of advice it would be to stay away from both men entirely.

“Lorenzo works for Luca as a bodyguard. I don’t know if I’d get involved, Lily. He’s dedicated to the Armani family and his job.” I try my hardest to draw the venom out of each word, with only a hint of success.

She seems uncomfortable by my straightforwardness. “You and Luca are both dedicated to your jobs and you somehow make it work, right?”

“There is no Luca and me,” I snip back and a pang of guilt washes over me when she goes quiet at my harshness. “I’m sorry. It’s been a hard day in the office. I always find it uncomfortable when my stepmother’s here.” Both truths.

My stepmother never did wrong by me. Her simple and easy replacement of my mother makes me bitter toward her. That and the fact my father started isolating me well before my younger half-brother was born and they went about creating a new happy family that considered me more a hinderance than family.

Lily doesn’t ask for an elaboration when they walk toward us.

“You might want to say hi to Camille.” I offer Lily a hint of kindness in way of excusing her. Since my father’s and my last meeting, I doubt this will be anything pleasant. The only saving grace is we’re in public so it mediates his temperament slightly. Hopefully mine as well because I am clearly not handling my shit today well.

“You can ask her all about her engagement,” I encourage Lily, knowing she’s dying for all the details. Sienna of course wasn’t all too impressed their engagement was announced on the same week as hers and felt like it was stealing her moment.

“Are you sure?” Lily asks, rubbing her hand along my arms, reassuringly. With a sad smile she leaves.

My stepmother, Sarah holds out both her arms. “Ara. I feel like it’s been so long,” she says as she hugs me. My body locks up and I freeze under the affection. Conscious of the room full of people I place a hand on her back. “Your father tells me you’re looking at marriage seriously, now?”

I stare at my father who waves to a person passing by. Of course, he would’ve told her that. And she’d be none the wiser to the facts behind it.

“Yep,” I say in a tight, clipped tone.

My father looks me up and down. “The dress is a bit short tonight, wouldn’t you say?”

My jaw clenches. It’s no different than most of my other dresses, which come to my knees. Sarah seems uncomfortable by the remark.

“I think it’s a beautiful dress.” Luca’s voice carries over my shoulder.

My jaw grinds as Luca wraps his hand around my waist possessively and pulls me into him. My father looks like he’s about to turn purple.

Sarah’s brown eyes light up. “Oh, is this the man who’s made you think differently about marriage?”

“No.” Both my father and I say the words in unison. We both realize we have onlookers.

“Luca is a friend,” I say politely as I try to push out of his firm unyielding grip. I fail.

“Is that what we’re calling it now, sweetheart? Well in that case, I hope you don’t have too many friends.” He and Sarah laugh. My temper rises with each and every syllable that comes out of this man’s mouth. “Do you mind if I steal her for a moment?”

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