Page 59 of Insidious Obsession

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“I want to apologize for using information against you, but for my goals, it came in with perfect timing. You and I are the same, Ara in the sense we’re both opportunists. A few things have changed on my end and I now find my matter urgent. The fight ring was an added bonus because I needed to blow off steam.”

My arms are crossed over my chest. I’m not so much as surprised by Dmitri’s betrayal but disappointed. He really does feel like the only person on my side in a bizarre and twisted way. I knew going into dealings with Dmitri that he was a cold and calculating man behind the playboy façade.

He was right about one thing. We are opportunists. If it will get either of us to our end goal, we’ll use each other happily.

Considering I wasn’t dead the information he’d obviously provided wasn’t enough to warrant it. So I’m assuming he had left out the brunt of my incriminating motive.

I want to hate Dmitri but I still cling to the notion that we will continue abusing one another to reach our own means. I respected it for that because I would’ve done the same to him.

I let out a sigh. “What did you say to Luca?”

“Firstly, I’d like to offer an interesting observation. I’m almost certain Luca has no intention of killing you. From what I saw Friday night, I dare say he’s smitten with your poisonous personality.”

I scoff. “That’s a very interesting assumption considering my life’s on the line.”

He kicks up a slow smile. “As if it hasn’t been on the line the moment you started looking into the Armani family. I only told him you wanted to know something about men in masks and the two hit’s you’d already made to get there. The real reason, I’ve called you over today is to offer you some help.”

“Oh, suddenly you’re still on my side, huh?”

“I’ve never not been on your side, Arabella. As you take advantage of situations, so do I. You want something out of this partnership and will stop at nothing to get it. I’m no different. So do you want my help or not? You want Ivan called back, don’t you? So, Luca most likely goes back to Italy in his stead?”

My jaw clenches. That’s exactly what I need and I hate that Dmitri can see right through me. Then again, why wouldn’t he? He has something to gain from this and I’m not entirely sure what anymore. I originally thought he wanted to simply destroy his father but I wonder what recently changed for him to kick up the pace.

But he’s still my only ally.

Luca’s face comes to mind and a small unfamiliar hint of guilt springs. I push it down, almost revolted by its surfacing.

No fucking way am I showing any sentiment toward Luca.

Nothing changes. I did not come this far to only come this far.

I’m quick to confess, as if needing to purge it out. To say out loud my intention of ruining Luca instead of sympathizing with him.

“It’s possible that if Dario makes a wrong move, then Luca will call Ivan back to deal with his brother. I don’t know if that means Luca will leave entirely but I’m willing to gamble on it.”

Something needs to change. Because I am changing.

And I can’t change.

Not for him.

Not for me.

I only have my revenge, I remind myself like a mantra. I let the hard resolve coil around me like a noose. I cannot betray my mother like everyone else. I cannot let her go until he is dead. I refuse to believe I’m falling for a monster.

Dmitri considers this. “I remember in our previous passings that the two brothers were close. After their father died it caused a massive and obvious rift. So Dario might be the easier target.”

“I know that already,” I grit.

“If your father is already forcing you to see a matchmaker then it’s obvious your freedom is trickling. I’m assuming you already have a plan?”

The truth of the matter is, I do. “I’m not going to involve you in this part, Dmitri. Trust me when I say, it’s better you don’t know or get involved in case it backfires.”

I’d been considering my options and continued circling back to this plan. There a is a tiny slither of hesitation. At first I thought it was a calm calculation of what could go wrong. But sitting in this room, I realize it might be because of another reason.

That once I did this it was done.

My plan would be set in place and I’d raise hell on the Armani household.

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