Page 41 of Insidious Obsession

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“No shit you didn’t because you were fucking a certain bachelor’s brain out all weekend,” Romi says.

“Sorry?” I say, placing the menu down.

“It’s in quite a few articles already. You’re blazing on social media right now. Didn’t you know?” Lily asks as she begins to swipe through her phone and shows me an article. The blood drains from my face. Because the very photo she shows me is Luca and me exiting the car and walking into his apartment complex. Fuck.

My stomach sinks. If my father sees this, and he most likely already has, then this really means I’m on thin ice.

“Sorry I’m late!” Sienna announces as she barges through the front door, the bell ringing loudly at her huffing entrance. “Oh my god! You guys! I think I’m in love! How great is Michael?”

I sink back into my chair depleted. No, no, no, no.

My father is bound to move my dates sooner because of this. I only have one year, and already half of it is gone.

“Oh, and congratulations on the official you and Luca Armani thing, too,” she says with a hug and kiss on my cheek. “Guys, I think Michael might actually be the one.”

“Woah, woah, woah. Back it up, sister. It’s only been a few months,” Romi says as she takes a sip of her chai latte.

“I know, but my father totally approves of him. We spent such an incredible weekend together and—” She pauses. “Ara, are you okay? You look like you’re going to be sick.”

I snap out of my spiraling thoughts with a tight smile. I look up and notice the barista has brought my regular vanilla-flavored coffee with three sugars. “Thank you. And everything’s fine. I just… I remember I have to go into work early this morning. I’m sorry. I really have to go.”

They seem surprised, but still say their goodbyes as I collect my things.

This is really fucking bad.

The moment I step into my office, I see my father sitting at my desk all shades of fury.

“I’m surprised you actually decided to come into work, considering all the whoring you’re managing in your spare time.”

My smile is nothing but venom. I can’t even hide it. “Father. That’s uncalled for.”

“Is it?” he demands. “Because I’ve flown all the way from Boston after receiving text messages and images of you and Mr. Armani.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “What do you have against Mr. Armani, anyway?” Despite your previous dealings with his father, I think angrily. “I would consider most fathers happy to have one of the wealthiest men in the city’s attention on his daughter.”

He scoffs. “Dirty money. Blood money,” he seethes.

Which confirms my suspicions about Luca’s father and my father’s dealings in the past.

“We had a deal. You have one year of playing CFO, and then you settle down and marry the man of my choice.”

I swallow venom. “It has only been six months.”

“I suppose it doesn’t mean preparations can’t be made. Since you so clearly can’t see reason for yourself. What you do here impacts my name and my company!” he shouts across the room. His face is turning a shade of purple.

My mother’s face flashes before my eyes, momentarily reminding me of why I loathe my father so much. He never even mourned her. And after her death, he hardly even spoke to me; it was like I was nothing but a hinderance. Yet, somehow, he still felt like he had this control of my life. Like the good girl I’ve been playing up until this point, I bite my tongue. Because that would forever be my father’s weakness and downfall—thinking he’ll forever hold my freedom.

“You promised me a year,” I say as gently as possible.

“You’ll have your year girl, but I’ll be setting an appointment with a very successful matchmaker this week.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“If you want to remain CFO of this company you bet it’s necessary, and if I so much as hear you’ve been seeing Luca Armani, I’m demoting you from this role and forcing your hand in marriage the very same week. Are we clear?”

I push down the palpable rage, reminding myself to bite my tongue.

Remember your purpose. Remember why you’re here. In less than a year, you said you’d have it done. You won’t be marrying anyone. Especially forced by his hand.

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