Page 35 of Insidious Obsession

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Luca stands there in the flesh. Looking all parts devil and sin. Lorenzo stands out like a sore thumb beside him with arms crossed in front of him. But Luca… No, he leans against the bar as if he owns the place. The fucker probably does. He holds a glass of whisky and salutes me. A woman tries to grab his attention, but he ignores her. I look away pissed and continue dancing.

Lily yells over the music. “I know you said there’s nothing between you guys, but he hasn’t stopped watching you.”

Sienna then leans in. “From what I’ve heard he’s never come here. Like ever. Apparently, he only ever attends his own clubs and bars even when he gets loads of offers.”

I’m half tempted to pull in the closest man and kiss him but I think it might start an outright shoot out. I want, in the biggest way, to go tell this man he can kindly fuck himself. My hips continue swaying to the music, trying to grasp onto the momentary freedom I felt a moment ago. I can’t shake the intensity of his gaze that prickles all over my skin.

A hand wraps around my waist and Lily steps away. His hot breath flushes over my neck as he speaks to me from behind.

“I am not a patient man.” His voice is all venom. “You never replied to my text messages.”

I try to ignore him, but his hand traces the lines of my hips through the leather dress. He pushes into my ass, and I can feel how unapologetically hard he is. “I thought I warned you not to go out.”

I go to turn but his hand keeps me in place. I shift my face to the side so he can hear me. “You don’t own me. You might know my dirty little secret but that’s all you have over me.”

He grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd. I try to pull my hand out of his, but his grip is a vice. Yet no one seems to read between the lines. The women only stare at him bewildered, and the men part away like the sea, as if feeling the underlining danger of being in his path of rampage.

He pulls us into one of the white marble and gold encrusted women’s bathrooms. Entering, a hostess stands outside the door with a tray of shots and glasses of bubbles. I swipe a shot glass. Two girls are touching up their make-up. The moment we step in their eyes go wide at the sight of him. Fuck this man and his looks.

“Ladies if you could give us a moment.”

They throw their small items into their clutches. “Oh-of course!” They giggle as they pass us. The woman waiting at the door offers them another drink but says nothing of our intrusion nor does she reprimand Luca as he closes the door behind us and locks it.

You can’t be serious. This man can surely not own every part of this city. He does whatever he wants and people let him. Meaning they’re incredibly weak or I’m incredibly naïve for locking horns with this man. What else am I meant to do? He literally has my life in his hands, and I’m too stubborn to step away after how far I’ve come.

Both of his hands fall to my side as he leans in, locking me between the basin and him. The three toilet stalls are empty, and the attached powder room plays classical music.

“You stopped running past my mansion in the mornings and shouldn’t you have been looming outside my club last night?”

A cynical laugh bubbles to the surface. “And you call me the stalker.”

His eyebrows furrow and I can tell he didn’t take too kindly to it.

“Why are you here, Luca?” I ask with venom in my tone, trying my hardest to stand up against this man who’s six-foot-four height is far too imposing. Everything about him is dangerous and intoxicating. The exact person I should not mingle with.

“It’s come to my attention you clearly don’t understand the definition of being my whore.”

“Aww you’re so sweet. You do care,” I say dryly as I pick up the shot glass and throw it back. He watches me intently.

“Do you think you need another one?”

“Maybe I want to let loose tonight. Find myself a hunk instead of a psycho.”

This time a dark chuckle erupts from him as his hand grabs my chin, so I have no choice but to stare into his all-consuming gaze.

“I’ll kill any man, woman, or dog who tries to touch what’s mine,” he says matter of fact.

I scoff. “Is that what I am now. Yours? Hard pass.”

His hand is crushing my wrist as he blocks me against the basin. His bright blue eyes stare down at me. “Then tell me, my little stalker. Why are you so obsessed with me? What are you after?”

I’m suffering under his proximity and spicy cologne. The last few shots slowly mix into a dangerous concoction. One that makes me consider how attractive he is despite his cruelty.

We couldn’t be more perfectly matched in our secrets and hideousness beneath the mask.

What I do know is even this monster is too much for me.

I need to shake him. Yet every part of me is urging to pull him closer. Flashes of our previous night start a heated thrum in my core.

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