Page 81 of Prince of Darkness

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“Yeah. One to the shoulder.” I could have more, but with the adrenaline, I don’t feel it.

“Three ran out,” Donovan calls over the gunfire. “I’m sure Lucy has them.”

“How many are there?” I ask Robbie.

“Right now? About half as many as when they started.”

I laugh. “Good.” A movement catches my attention behind Robbie. I raise my gun and fire. “Come on.”

It seems like hours, but it’s likely ten minutes when I emerge from the building with Niko, Donovan, Robbie, and our men. The carnage is the worst I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying something.

“You are one stupid motherfucker,” Niko says, heat in his eyes. “What were you thinking, killing him while his men had guns on you?”

“I was thinking I was a dead man and I wanted to take him with me.”

“You got balls the size of Everest.” Donovan slaps me on the back. I wince.

“What’s the damage?” Niko asks me.

I inventory my body. “Bruises. Burns. Dislocated finger?—”

“I can fix that.” Lucy grabs my hand, and before I know it, she’s yanking my finger.

“Motherfucker, cock sucker!”

Everyone laughs at me. “Pussy,” Lucy quips.

“Come on. Let’s call in cleaners and head home,” Niko says. “Ride with me, Liam.”

I arch a brow at his authoritative tone. But he’s not my boss anymore.

“As a brother,” he adds as if he knows what I’m thinking.

Since I need a ride, I join him. We ride in silence for a bit.

“How’d you find me?”

“You weren’t where you were supposed to be. We made a list, but then Kate mentioned the place you killed Igor. We had nothing to lose.”

“Kate thought of that?”

“We didn’t think he’d be dumb enough to go back there.” Niko gives me an apologetic look.

“Why is Kate even involved?” I’m irked. She’s supposed to be sheltered from all this.

He glances at me. “She wanted to be.”

“So. Tell her no.”

“Liam, if everything in life were perfect, what would you do with Kate?”

I look out the window. “Life isn’t perfect.”

“But if it was. Would you keep her?”

I don’t answer.

“Don’t be a pussy. What do you want?”

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