Page 47 of Prince of Darkness

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“It was a no-brainer for me,” Donovan says with a wink to Lucy. “It took some convincing on her part, but it was her choice.”

“The point is?—”

“The point is,” I interrupt Lucy. “Kate wants a peaceful, normal life.”

“That’s what you want for her. Have you ever really asked her what she wants?”

My teeth grind so hard it hurts. “If I have a choice, I’ve made it.”

“Even if she loves you too?”

The words try to wrap around my heart. I flash back to the last time I made love to her. She was asking me to stay. But was that love? And if it was, so what? I’m not good for her.

Lucy gives me a look of disdain. “Right. You just go, Liam. She doesn’t need you. We don’t need you.”

Anger gets the best of me. “What did you expect me to do, Lucy? Drag her to hell with me?”

“Where do you think she is now?” Lucy’s words gut me. I have no idea where Kate is now. I don’t want to know, only because I don’t trust myself not to go to her. I left her enough money to start over, to find the peace and happiness that had been taken from her.

Lucy pats me on the chest. “She looks nearly as miserable as you do.”

God, how I want to see Kate. To know she’s okay. But I’ve made my choice. Maybe Kate’s not happy, but she’s safer without me, that I know for sure.

I look at Niko and Donovan. “If you hear anything, let me know.”

Niko nods. “You too.”

I walk out of his office and straight to my car where Robbie waits for me.

“Meeting go alright?”

“Fine.” I slip into the passenger seat and press my hand over my heart that’s breaking all over again. Something in my pocket catches my attention. I reach in and pull out a piece of paper. Lucy must have slipped it in when she was poking or patting me.

I start to open it and see that it’s an address. I quickly crumple it up and curse her for doing this to me.

Robbie pulls away from the curb. “Artyom called while you were in your meeting. There was a possible sighting of Babichev.”

I’m thrilled at the distraction as I shove the paper back into my pocket. “Where?”

“Buffalo. He’s heading to the border.”

But is that true? I close my eyes, thinking about the paper in my pocket with Kate’s address. Could her recent break-in indicate Babichev is here? Or maybe it was a faulty security system. Could have been a teenager.

If it was Babichev, what is his game? Surely, he’d have wanted me to know it was him.

For the first time in a long time, I’m uncertain as to my next step, which is a big problem because I can’t help but think that the decision I make right now will impact Kate’s life forever.



I'm in my back office at work making a cup of tea when I hear the chimes ring, indicating someone has entered the store. Tossing the tea bag into my mug and picking it up, I walk out to greet my customer. I stop short when I see Aria and the man I just met at Lucy and Donovan’s walk in.

Aria’s face lights up when she sees me. "Oh, hey. I told you I wanted to see the bookshop, and here I am."

The man, Luca, I think his name is, scans the store and takes another look outside. It appears as if this Luca person is her bodyguard today. I don't know Aria very well, so when she threads her arm through his and smiles up at him like he's the center of the world, I'm not sure if it’s her personality or maybe he’s not a bodyguard, but a boyfriend.

His gaze stays on me as he leans over and whispers something to her.

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