Page 45 of Prince of Darkness

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“Fucking hell, Kate. I wouldn’t do that. But if someone got into your home, you need protection. I have someone on the way. You won’t see them, but they’ll be there. Okay?”

All of a sudden, I feel so tired. Is it too much to ask for a life of peace and calm? Will I be able to provide that for my baby? “Okay.”

“You know what? Why don’t you come here? I’ll arrange?—”

“No. I just want to have a quiet night… a quiet life.”

She doesn’t say anything for a moment. “I’m sorry all this happened to you, Kate. We all are.”

“I know.” They’ve said it a million times. It’s not that I don’t believe they’re sorry. I know they mean it. But it doesn’t change the fact that my life will never be the same. Maybe it’s time to give up on the idea that I can have a normal life.

I rub my hand over my belly, fear gripping me that my child will have to grow up always looking over his or her shoulder. If I’m in danger because of Liam, won’t my baby be as well? The thought of that terrifies me. I realize that it won’t be long before Lucy and Elena realize I’m pregnant, so it’s time to come up with a good cover story because no one can know that Liam is the father of my baby.



I’ve always known there’s darkness in me. A shrink might suggest that I’d gone into the FBI because of it. Because I didn’t like it. That I was afraid of it consuming me. In the FBI, any violence perpetrated by me was for good, not a criminal enterprise.

Working for Niko was good too. He’s like my brother. I had to look out for him.

In the end, the darkness has won. And I don’t care that it has. For Kate, I’d burn the world down. I very nearly have. In the last four months, I’ve eliminated anyone who questions my authority. I run the Bratva with an iron fist. No one questions me.

My contact at the FBI ensures that I’m informed and able to avoid any legal entanglements. I pay him handsomely for the help.

The only problem is Babichev is still living and breathing. He’s proving elusive, and it’s driving me mad, pushing me into greater darkness.

I sit at my desk in my penthouse apartment office, going over all the intel I have regarding Babichev. It’s getting late, but I don’t sleep much. Not with Babichev still on the loose.

“Where the fuck are you?” On the one hand, I’m certain he’s afraid of me, and I like that. I hope he’s shitting his pants, looking over his shoulder for me. On the other hand, whatever he’s doing to hide is effective and it pisses me off. Who the fuck is helping him since I’ve pretty much killed everyone who would dare to assist him?

My phone rings. “Rostova.”

“Liam. It’s Donovan.”

My stomach clenches. “What happened? What’s wrong?” I close my eyes as I prepare to hear the worst. Is Kate gone? Have I failed her?

“There was a break-in at Kate’s. She’s fine?—”

“How the fuck did that happen? I trusted you to?—”

“We don’t know. She has the best security. We’ve got protection around the house now. I just… I thought you’d want to know.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “I need to meet with you and Niko.”

“We’re handling it?—”

“Not just that. Tomorrow. Can you meet?”

Donovan pauses but then says, “Yeah. Niko is in New Jersey tomorrow at the club.”

“I’ll be there.” Four months ago, asking for Mafia help could have my men questioning my ability to lead. I don’t worry about that now. I’m confident they all are behind me. But if my men want to kill me, let them, but only after Babichev is dead and Kate is safe.

The next day, I stride into Niko’s club in New Jersey, heading upstairs to an office overlooking the bar. Niko and Donovan are already there.

“Sorry I missed the party,” I say, shaking Donovan’s hand. “I had business to attend to.”

He smirks at me, and I know that he’s aware that the real reason I didn’t go was because Kate would be there.

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