Page 34 of Prince of Darkness

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I enter Donovan’s office where Niko is standing over Donovan’s desk looking at something. Lucy is with him.

She looks up, her eyes narrowing at me. “The prodigal asshole returns.”

“Now, now, honey,” Donovan says good-naturedly. “Give ole Liam a break. It’s not like Kate didn’t get her payback.”

“She should have shot you in the dick.”

I arch a brow and wonder if she knows I fucked Kate. Women talk about stuff like that, don't they?

“Perhaps we can get on with business,” I say.

“Word is you’ve outsourced your issue with Babichev,” Niko says, picking up a drink and sipping.

I really want a drink too, so I help myself to whatever is in the decanter sitting on a table in Donovan’s office. “Sooner he’s dead, sooner Kate can go back to her life.” I down the drink and pour another without regard to how it might interact with the pain pill.

“Sooner you’ll be head of Bratva, more like it.” Lucy purses her lips at him. “I supported you, and you?—”

I hold up a hand. “I’m well aware of what you think?—”

“Don’t you fucking shush me with your hand.” She glares at me.

“I’m here to do business. Perhaps you can chastise my personal dealings with Kate later.”

“He’s right,” Niko says with a look at Lucy.

She nods but continues to give me the evil eye.

“What are your thoughts?” Niko asks.

“Kate stays with you.” I look at Lucy and Donovan. “She’ll be happier here, and I know you two can protect her.”

“What about Elena?” Lucy asks.

“That’s up to Niko. I think Kate would like to see her, but considering the danger and Elena’s pregnancy, we all understand why you might want Kate to stay away.”

“I appreciate your concern, Liam. I’ll do what I can to help Donovan and Lucy keep her safe.”

“I’d like her to start living again…” I take a deep gulp of my drink. “I’ve arranged funds for her. They’re clean. If she could have her own place… work… yet still be under your protection, it would be ideal.”

“You don’t think that’s risky?” Lucy asks.

“I do, but I also think that with her away from me, Babichev’s interest will wane. He thinks he can hurt me through her?—”

“He can,” Lucy states.

“No, he can’t.” I won’t let him. “If it’s known she’s under your protection, he’ll stay away.” If he’s smart, he will, anyway. “I know there’s only so much you can do since she’s not Family, but…”

“She’s a sister to Elena. Plus, much of this is our fault,” Niko says. “We’ll protect her as if she’s one of us.”

“Thank you.” I hand over the envelope with all the information needed for Kate to start a new life to Lucy. I do it to show my respect for her as a woman with power in the Mafia, but also because I know she’ll take care of Kate.

“What’s this?” she asks.

“Everything she needs.”

Lucy’s eyes narrow. “What about when Babichev is dead?”

I shrug. “What about it?”

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