Page 27 of Prince of Darkness

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"It wouldn't be any different if you were with us. Right now, the only way for you to be safe is to stay hidden. I know it's not fun. Both Elena and I have been locked up in gilded cages, and we know that it's frustrating. But it's only temporary. Liam is going to deal with the danger in your life?—"

"By deal, you mean murder, right?"

She sighs, and I imagine she’s also rolling her eyes. "In this business, Kate, the only way to ensure that you can live and go back to your normal life is to eliminate the people who are trying to kill you. So yes, murder will be involved. I know this is not something that you signed up for, and I'm sorry for all that you've had to endure, but if you're going to come out the other end and have a normal life outside of all of this, you have to stay with Liam. Do what he says. Trust him."

It’s not what I want to hear, and yet, I’m not surprised I’m hearing it. This call was a waste of time, as I knew it would be. But I had to hear it from her. "How long?"

Liam is finally dressed in jeans and a Henley shirt. I wonder if he’s going out again.

"The best person to ask that question is Liam. You’ll be fine, Kate. Liam is extremely invested in your safety. In fact, I would argue that your safety is the only thing that matters to him. It’s why he’s doing all this."

"I know that's not true. He likes the power and control.”

She laughs. "Liam cares about that only insofar as he needs to protect you and help you resume a normal life. I don’t think Liam liked having to leave the FBI.”

“Then why did he? It’s not like he wasn’t working for you.”

“I told you. He did it for you.”

I glance over at him again, but he’s in the bathroom. I want to believe her. Liam has said something similar, but I can’t reconcile the idea that he’s doing all this for me when he acts like such a brute.

“I think he’s in love with you, although?—”

“That’s definitely not true.”

“Regardless. Liam’s intentions are good. Do as he says and you’ll be safe. It won’t be long and you’ll be living a normal, regular life.”

We finish the call, and I toss the phone on Liam’s bed, ready to return to my room.


I turn to see him standing in the bathroom doorway. Lucy’s words come back to me.

I think he’s in love with you.

Staring at the man with the dark, unyielding eyes, I can’t see it. Her statement makes no sense. Sure, he had sex with me, but the way he touched me wasn’t about love. Lust, maybe. But mostly, it was about domination. After all, he told me to submit to him. Like an idiot, I did.

“No, but I see I have no choice,” I answer him.

He shrugs. “If you want to live, then no. You have no choice.”

The words send a chill up my spine. I hate the situation I’m in, but I haven’t fully considered what he and Lucy have both said. Someone is after me. Liam is stopping them.

Maybe it’s time I follow Liam’s rules. Perhaps by doing so, Liam will deal with whatever threat is out there and then I can be free. Free of violence and the male ego. Free of Liam.

The sooner that happens, the sooner I can put all this behind me. Maybe I won’t forget him, but the memories will fade. I can find a life filled with joy and pleasure and security that will dull the memories of Liam.

My heart pinches at the thought, but my mind knows it’s for the best.



Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I sink onto the edge of my bed once I know Kate is in her room so she doesn’t see the turmoil in me. Why can’t I get this woman out of my system?

I lost control and fucked her. I told myself having her submit was punishment, but once she gave herself over, something inside me could only savor her lush body.

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