Page 61 of Hell Over Heels

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“You mentioned that you saw an angel who looked like me.” He raised a brow. “There’s only one explanation for that. I’d expected him to show up one day, though I wasn’t sure how he’d manage it. His angel heritage, I presume?”

“I guess so.” I pressed my lips together, my eyes clouding with a hot sheen of tears. “They caught him.”

Through my blurred vision, I saw Azrael flinch.

“That’s what triggered my memory to return,” I went on, fueled by a desperate idea. “He was discovered and arrested, and now he’s being held somewhere, and you have to help me get him out!”

He visibly recoiled.

“I need help to rescue him.” I stepped forward, my hands clenching and unclenching, fear and hope tangling inside me to form a combustive cocktail. Azrael’s assistance would significantly increase our chances for a successful rescue. “With your unique resources, we can easily get him out. We’ll make a plan together, and Naamah can?—”


I jerked back as if slapped. “What?”

His physical form seemed to flicker in and out of sight. “I can’t.”

“What do you mean, you can’t?” My brows drawn tight, I gaped at him. “You just told me you still cared about Azazel. You turned me into an angel against the rules, you preserved my memory, all to make amends and do something good for your son for once in your life, but you won’t help him get out of prison?”

He shook his head, his expression ravaged by something akin to agony. “I—this is different. I don’t?—”

“You can’t just leave him there!” My chest heaved as I sucked in a rage-filled breath. “You have to help us!”

“You are asking too much,” he rasped, panic in his gaze.

“Too much?” I spit out. “They might kill him! Once they’ve tortured him for information, they will likely execute him. I’m asking you to save his fucking life!”

Azrael looked at me with pain etched into the lines of his face. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

And then he was gone.


Vanished into thin air, the way he usually left, using his one-of-a-kind ability to move outside the constraints of physicality.

I stared at the spot where he’d stood just a second ago, unthinkable wrath boiling in my blood.

“You fucking coward!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, knowing he wouldn’t even hear it. Knowing he was already far, far away, his awareness likely scattered on Earth.

And just like that, I hated him again, any softer emotion obliterated, all understanding shattered to dust.

My skin glowed so brightly it reflected off the white stone walls. Inside me seethed such rage, such unspeakable fury, that I wanted to lay waste to this entire building. My hands shook, my power trembling violently, sparks of lightning firing off my still-present wings.

With a scream, I unleashed my energy, gave in to my wrath, and let it all out.

Light exploded out of me, silver flashes scoring the walls, leaving scorched lines like dark veins in the white stone. The walls cracked. The floor beneath my feet split open in a hairline fissure, and the smell of ozone filled the room. My bed was nothing but smoking rubble, the windowpane shattered, the door to the bathroom torn off its hinges. It fell down with a resounding thunk.

Breath heavy, I stared at the destruction I’d caused, my blood barely cooled, the need for an outlet still pulsing in every beat of my heart.

And the only thought running through my head as I dashed outside and launched into the sky was that I finally understood how and why Azazel had repeatedly reduced entire rooms to cinders in his rage.


I flew at such speed that the landscape below me whizzed past in a blur, faster than ever before. I pushed myself like this partly because I still needed some kind of exertion to work off the rage simmering in my blood, but also because time was of the essence.

Every minute ticking by meant more torture for Azazel.

Just the thought of what he might be going through right this moment made me grit my teeth and beat my wings harder.

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