Page 38 of Hell Over Heels

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He’d grabbed me around the waist with both hands as I fell and smoothly guided me so that I ended up with my knees on either side of his head, my core only inches from his face. He held me fast, making sure the tumble didn’t throw my upper body forward and out of balance. The heat of his breath fanned the inside of my thighs, so close to where arousal still pulsed in time with my quickened heartbeat.

When I glanced down, I met his luminous silver gaze, and the roguish smirk on his lips as he turned his head a little and placed a kiss on my thigh while not breaking eye contact made me shiver with delight. The next second, he nipped at the spot he’d just kissed, elongated canines flashing with the quick move.

It wasn’t hard enough to draw blood, not even enough to hurt, but the shock of it still made me jerk in his grasp.

Which effectively shifted my hips forward, and he lifted his head at the same time and brought his mouth to my most intimate flesh.

A gasp turned moan rose from my lips, sparks of lust firing through my blood from the erotic touch. With a hum of utmost enjoyment, he moved one hand to my ass, pulling me farther down onto his face. His tongue delved into me, leisurely licks up and down, and then he closed his mouth over my clit and sucked.

I exploded.

Pleasure rushed through me, blanking my thoughts and subsuming everything but the awareness of his mouth still wreaking havoc on my nether regions. My thighs trembled, though not from any exertion of hovering over his face. I wasn’t allowed to hover—he kept tugging me back down when I made the slightest attempt to lift up because I worried he wasn’t getting any air.

He really, really wanted me to actually sit on his face.

Skin feeling hot partly from bashful self-consciousness and partly from the incessantly building ecstasy, I eventually gave up trying to take any weight off him and just surrendered. He groaned against my slick flesh, his energy darkening with lust.

“That’s it,” he growled, pushing me up just a little so he could speak. “Ride my face.”

Tunneling my fingers through his hair, I gave in and sought my pleasure by rocking against him. He kept licking me, spearing his tongue inside me, and the combination of my own movements and the way he worked me with his mouth shoved me over the edge.

I came with a drawn-out moan.

He continued his erotic assault through the waves of my orgasm, firing off smaller explosions again and again, until I’d long stopped rocking my hips against his face, my mind somewhere in a blissful alternate reality.

Through the haze of my post-orgasmic warm fuzzies, I noticed that he sat up while guiding me down to sit on his lap, my legs straddling him. I grimaced when the position brought my oversensitive core right against the unmistakable hardness of his cock—still covered by his pants.

“Hold on,” he murmured and removed his hands from me in favor of proficiently taking off his armor and tunic.

The instant he let it drop to the side, he brought forth his wings and wrapped them around us both. Lying back on the cushion, he pulled me with him again, and I found myself snuggled between his chest and the soft weight of his wings.

It was the silkiest blanket against my back.

With a sigh, I let myself fall into his embrace, my hands tucked in between us, my head nestled into the crook of his neck and shoulder. His scent enveloped me—leather and bonfire, laced with a hint of dark spices—and for a moment, for the span of several calming heartbeats, I was in my own personal slice of Heaven.

Until I realized he hadn’t sought his own pleasure—again.

I lifted my head under the canopy of his wings and peered at him.

He opened one eye and peered right back at me, the hint of an amused smile on his mouth. “You look like you’re scheming.”

“And you look like you’re in need of some attention.”

“Is that so?”

I deliberately rubbed over his erection.

The way his features twitched and his eyes darkened brought me no small amount of glee. He’d just played my body like a master musician would his beloved instrument, always in control, never a doubt about who was in charge. The fact that I might have a modicum of the same effect on him as he’d had on me, that I might just be able to make him shudder with pleasure with a targeted move, emboldened me.

Not that I knew much about what I was doing, but my extensive reading experience and the snippets from my dreams would have to count for something.

Pushing against the hold of his arms wrapped around my back, I tried to slide down his body.

He stopped me by tightening his embrace. Eyes alight with an inner flame, he studied me for a moment. “I’m not about to complain,” he said, and the timbre of his voice let his chest vibrate deliciously underneath me. “I just need you to be sure it’s what you want.”

I lightly slapped his chest—as much as I was able to with my hands still wedged between us. “Stop playing the gentleman.”

His laugh was swift and surprising, the spark of mirth in his eyes the sweetest aphrodisiac. “That’s a first,” he muttered. “I don’t think I’ve ever been accused of being a gentleman.”

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