Page 31 of Hell Over Heels

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“I have an overactive imagination.”

His energy tasted lush, heavy, wrapping around my senses. He let go of my hand in favor of touching my face—cupping my cheek and stroking his thumb oh-so-softly over my lower lip. When he spoke, his voice was an intimate murmur. “So that’s what you want to do?”

“I just told you.”

“I need you to tell me again.”

“Yes,” I said quietly. “That’s what I want to do. With you.”

My hands trembled. I’d never been this bold before, this brazen, admitting to blatantly lurid fantasies. The reassurance from my visions, though, mixed with the coercion from the deal we’d struck and the obvious signs of interest in him let me move past old inhibitions.

“But,” I blurted out on a sudden thought, laying my hands on his chest, “just so you know, I…” Grimacing, I finished the sentence in a whisper. “I haven’t exactly done any of that before.”

I’d just realized that I’d sounded a bit too confident when listing the things I’d envisioned doing with him, considering my entire knowledge of these matters came from the often hazy memories of my dreams or the romance novels I’d read. Going by the way I’d spoken, he probably now thought he was about to tangle with an experienced partner, when in reality, my experience couldn’t be more lacking.

The sway of his power in the air paused, a breath held in suspension. Those storm-ravaged eyes of his flicked quickly between mine as his fingers infinitesimally twitched against my cheek.

“You haven’t had a lover?” he asked after a moment of tense silence. There was an undercurrent in his voice that I couldn’t place.

I softly shook my head, my stomach drawing tight.

“So no one has ever caught your eye?” He raised a brow, his tone now holding a flirtatious note. “I figured males must have been lining up to be with you.”

I blushed at the compliment, warmth spreading in my chest. “No, not really… I’ve never been drawn to anyone, and you’re kind of the first to show interest.” I laughed self-consciously. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a bit awkward.”

The way he looked at me then made butterflies erupt in my belly. “No,” he said, his voice completely earnest. “I haven’t.”

A knot inside me I hadn’t been aware of loosened. “So, you don’t mind?” I asked quietly. “That I don’t know how to…”

“Sit on my face? It really is self-explanatory.” His grin stirred those butterflies up again.

I gave him a feigned slap on his chest.

“No,” he said in a more serious tone after a moment, sliding his hand from my cheek to the back of my head, his fingers tangling in my hair. “But it changes things.”

“How?” My pulse sped up again.

His slow smile was dazzling. “Now I know to take my time.”

He tightened his hold on the back of my neck, subtly angling my head upward. Gradually, he leaned closer, eliminating the inches left between his mouth and mine one quickened breath at a time.

Until I felt the warmth of his lips on my own, the touch like an unspoken claim, like a seal of my fate.

And I melted.

All the tension, all the tightness held in corners of myself I hadn’t been conscious of, simply fled, washed away by a caress that felt like a benediction. So close to him, I breathed in his scent, making me press even closer, then slid my hands up his chest and over the sides of his neck until my fingers brushed his hair.

It was as silky as I’d thought—as I “remembered” from my dreams.

He licked at my lips, and I parted them on a sigh, following his unspoken demand to open up for him. When his tongue touched mine, pleasure arced down from that point of contact, electrifying, alluring, making me crave more. My nipples hardened against my tunic and the leather armor covering it, arousal slicking my core.

Lick by lick, touch by touch, he took the kiss from a gentle beginning to a more forceful advance, pulling me along, immersing me deeper into the experience. Our breaths tangled as we fell into a give-and-take, a sensual dance where he clearly led, completely in charge and showing me just how to move with him. It felt like a piece was falling into place, like I’d always known this, a forgotten familiarity just now rediscovered.

Desire coiled in me, building to a rush of mounting urgency through my blood. God, I wanted him. His touch, his heat, his scent, his nearness. I wanted to drink him in, fill my senses with him so I’d forever see the world tinged in the experience of his essence.

He withdrew just a little, his words murmured intimately against my lips. “I’ve been waiting to do this for so long.”

My breath was a rush of startled amusement. “We met only yesterday.”

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