Page 27 of Hell Over Heels

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If I now acted boldly on the “knowledge” that Aziel and I would get together romantically and sexually, could it maybe affect the future in a negative way? Could that change the course of events?

Because I knew enough about myself to understand that, normally, without the assurance of those visions, I wouldn’t dare be openly flirtatious with this gorgeous male right from the start. I’d be cautious, doubting whether he was even interested in me, and more than likely, I wouldn’t recognize his interest unless he hit me over the head with it.

I was kind of bad at interpreting social cues like flirting.

Which meant that if things progressed normally, it would be Aziel who’d make the first move, because I sure as fuck wouldn’t. He’d have to declare his intent very clearly; otherwise, I wouldn’t dare presume that he liked me like that.

“Are you thinking about your strategy?” Aziel asked with a twinkle in his eye, startling me back to the here and now. “Or are you trying to remember how to wield a sword?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. For someone who would one day end up kissing every inch of my body, according to one of my dreams, he displayed an awful lack of wanting to get on my good side right now.

“Maybe I’m just contemplating how best to eviscerate you,” I snapped—and froze.

I’d said almost those exact words before. The memory came back just now, rising up from the haze of oblivion. Another dream. It had to be. I’d spoken those words in a dream, and now I’d just said them in reality without actively having recalled the vision.

Aziel had grown eerily still, his energy hanging almost suspended in the air like a bated breath. “A fillet knife would do,” he said after an achingly long moment of tense silence between us.

And every single word in that sentence rang with the recognition of having heard it before—because in my dream, he’d said exactly that in response to my statement.

My heart pounded so fast that I grew dizzy.

A spark of delight lit his eyes, his features softened by some tender emotion. “But make sure it’s forged in…Heaven.”

I swallowed hard. “Noted,” I whispered, echoing another part of my dream.

Dully, an ache started behind my temples, the pain throbbing in sync with my quickened pulse.

Again, there was a slight variation to the vision I’d had. In my dream, Mysterious Stranger had said “forged in Hell.” Before I could ponder that change, Aziel spoke again and interrupted my thoughts.

“Come on.” He drew his own sword and beckoned me forward. “Beat me.”

“Well, that’s entirely unfair.” I gripped the handle of my sword tighter. “You know I can’t possibly win against you yet. You’re supposed to train me first.”

And I honestly doubted that even with extensive combat training, I’d ever be able to defeat him in a fight.

“Fine.” He cocked his head, his dark lashes half obscuring his thundercloud eyes. “Let’s make it more even, then. If you manage to draw blood, you win. If I disarm you, I win.”

I eyed his body, analyzing every patch of skin not covered by his armor. There really weren’t many spots where I could easily cut him, mostly just his upper arms, his hands, or maybe the inside of his forearms where the straps of the vambraces connected. His face or neck, if I could get to it. A strong enough strike would pierce even his protective gear, sure, but considering I lacked the brute force to execute such a blow, I’d have to go for the parts where his skin showed and hope to get a quick slice in.

It wasn’t impossible, but it would be hard.

“Do you need an incentive?” he asked with a touch of humor in his tone. “Besides earning my forgiveness, that is.”

“Maybe,” I grumbled.

He gracefully twirled the sword in his hand, and the flex of muscles in his forearm distracted me something fierce for a moment. “Naamah told me you’ve been wanting to watch human movies. If you beat me, I’ll personally set up a TV in here and let you watch some.”

My whole body buzzed with excitement. A TV! The stuff of legends!

“Okay,” I said, raising my sword, “let’s do it.”

“But”—Aziel lifted his index finger—“if I win, I get to ask you a question, and you’ll have to answer honestly.”

“Pfft, what kind of a bet is this? You could ask me all sorts of questions anyway. There’s no need to bargain with me for that.”

His eyes glittered, the hint of a smirk on his lips. “There is if I want a truthful answer. Otherwise, you’ll just weasel your way out of an honest reply.”

I feigned a gasp and laid my free hand over my heart. “Are you calling me a liar?”

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