Page 14 of Dirty Seduction

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He’s so handsome it should be illegal. The tall, dark, handsome man is wearing sunglasses on his head and has steely blue eyes which are glaring at me.


I probably should be concerned, but his big round shoulders and sexy square jaw with its dusting of dark hair are distracting and have created a visceral reaction within my body. My face is flaming and my nipples are hard.

Good lord, this is not good.

I stand and brush my hands over my black pants and cringe, knowing my coffee stain is front and center.

His eyes roam down my body unimpressed and yet he’s not unaffected by me.

“Payton, meet Knox Montgomery,” Alexandra says.

Oh, shit. This man is my client.

“Hi,” I say, unable to do much more than that.

“Hello, Payton.” His voice is deep and rich, and I feel every timbre at my core. Then his eyes drift down to my breasts.

Oh god. I glance down at the stain and die a little inside.

“Alexandra, can I please have a word?” Mr. Montgomery says, dragging his eyes from my top. “In private.”

“Of course.” She turns to me. “Find Karen and she’ll introduce you to the team.”

I feel my face fall along with my stomach.

Can today get any worse?

THE ANSWER TO that question is yes. Karen is too busy to introduce me to everyone because she has a ‘project due’, so I ask her to show me where my desk is.

She helpfully points to a vacant desk across the room and I walk through the sea of faces feeling like Cersei doing the walk of shame in Game of Thrones.

For no good reason.

I was three minutes late. Three.

Everyone is acting like I showed up at lunchtime. Had I known the client was going to be here for a meeting, first thing I would have... well, set my alarm.

Okay, fine, it is my fault and I deserve some attitude. But Karen is a bitch.

“Hi,” a guy across from my desk says with a smirk.

I sit and set the laptop, pens, and notebook down, letting my bag fall to the floor.

“Hi.” I smile with apprehension.

“I’m Cody. I see you met Karen.” He shoots the evil witch a look across the office.

Music from a sound system plays some beats, filling the empty space so our conversation is somewhat private, but a handful of people smile.

I immediately get the feeling Karen is not well-liked.

Massive surprise.

“This place is quiet on a Monday, but it gets more fun than this, I promise,” Cody adds.

I snort before I can help myself and he laughs.

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