Page 10 of Dirty Seduction

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“Why would we fuck it up? It’s two weeks early. Get the team working around the clock. This is important.” Ward frowned.

“Veronica resigned,” I told him.

Ward knows the team at StoryCraft well, including the owner Alexandra, so I don’t need to explain who she is.

“Her replacement starts tomorrow, but she’ll need time to get up to speed. Time we won’t have if we launch early,” I continued explaining.

Ward leaned back in his chair, his jaw clenching. A chill ran through me as I watched him studying me.

“Tell me, Knox.” His voice was angry. “Did you sleep with Veronica? Did you—”

“No, fuck!” I shook my head. “You met her.”

Hell no. She was thirty-fucking-nine. Nothing wrong with a sexy MILF, so I’m not kink shaming, but she was not my type at all.

Which, to be fair, if she was, I might have. But I keep that thought to myself. No point in irritating him further. We already disagree on this matter.

Ward leaned forward and pointed to me. “If I find out you did and it’s the reason she resigned, then we are going to have a very different conversation.”

My brows shot up.

What, like I’m a child?

Jesus, he needs to stop with this attitude.

“About who I fuck? No. We will not,” I replied, crossing my arms. “I told you before, and I will tell you one more time. My sexual activities do not interfere with business. Veronica won the lottery, so is probably in the Caribbean right about now. Not thinking about my cock.”

Ward shook his head with a grunt and punched a few keys on his laptop.

Was he Googling her?

Or just taking three long breaths so he doesn’t say something he regrets? Maybe I should.

Finally, he glanced up at me.

“We launch early. I am not letting Flounce get a jump on us. You have a competent team. Get them working with the new account manager, Knox, and make this happen.”


He’s not looking at this with the big picture in mind, and I think he’s making a mistake.

“Update the buyers and media today so it shuts down any question about where we stand with this season. Tell them we’re excited. Then make it happen.”

“Okay,” I replied, thinking whoever this new account manager is, they better be a superstar. It is going to be an insane six weeks to create and get the entire campaign launched.

I uncrossed my arms and started walking toward the door.

“Knox,” Ward called out. “One more thing.”

I turned and found him softened. It was like a light switch has turned on. But I was concerned.

In the past few years he’s lost my mom, had an ex-lover show up and announce he had a son, Jacob, he never knew about, and watched his stepdaughter get married.

Ironically, Jacob is related to Bella’s husband. Both of them are Dufort’s–as in the billionaires.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“I have decided it’s time to take a step back,” Ward said.

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