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“Hey, Molly. Remy,” Venom says. He nods to Remy and throws a glance around the table. “Where’s Griff?”

“He’ll be here soon,” Remy says.

Wrath reaches over and shakes both their hands. “Sit anywhere.”

“Since you’re the elder of the table, Wrath,” Jigsaw picks at a cinnamon roll, a devious smile twitching at the corners of his mouth, “will you be paying for breakfast this morning?”

“Spend all your money on strippers already?” Wrath deadpans.

“Where’s Ella?” Shelby asks. “I finally found someone as short as me to hang with.”

“Eraser took her on a helicopter ride over the desert,” Remy answers. “Not sure how long it lasts.”

“Nothing says romance like taking your wife on a helicopter ride with a crash rate higher than your chance of losing your keys,” Jigsaw quips.

“Well, aren’t you sunshine and unicorn farts this morning,” Shelby drawls.

Griff passes through the front door of the restaurant, his gaze landing on me first. His tense expression softens.

Three teen boys run up to him, holding out papers for him to sign and bringing out phones for selfies.

He’s patient while he talks to each kid and poses for pictures. When he finishes, he hurries to our table.

“Hey, Muffin.” He drops a quick kiss on my cheek and slides into the chair between Remy and me. He glances around the table, saying hi to everyone.

“Get what you need?” Remy asks him.

Griff bobs his head quickly, then slides his arm around my shoulders and leans in to check out my menu. “What looks good?”

I point to the French Toast À La Crème Brûlée, with vanilla cream and maple syrup. “I also kind of want to try the Lobster Eggs Benedict, but I don’t know if I like Hollandaise sauce.”

“Ask them to skip it or put it on the side,” Shelby suggests.

“Get both. If you don’t like one, I’ll eat it. I’m starving,” Griff says, rubbing his hand over my back.

“What were you doing?”

“Ah, Underhill wanted to talk to me for a minute,” he answers quickly, turning his head.

“Did Diane find you?” Venom asks. “She wants the three of us to return as mentors for season two.”

“Fuuuuck that,” Griff says.

Venom cracks up. “That was my answer.”

Woolly shrugs. “I might do it. Help those poor little lost pups. Warn them about the perils of reality television.”

“Are they paying in money or ‘exposure’?” Rooster asks.

“She didn’t get that far,” Venom says.

“Betcha they ain’t paying squat,” Shelby says. “Wouldn’t surprise me one bit.”

“You’d be a good mentor, Woolly,” Griff says. “But I don’t think they deserve you.”

Woolly shrugs. “I’ll see what she says.”

Across the table, I briefly meet Trinity’s eyes. She flashes a quick smile.

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