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Molly: I named her Carnival, BTW.

My heart hammers from a simple selfie from my girl.

Me: Perfect name.

“What are you grinning about?” Remy asks.

I click on the picture and set it as my screen background. “Nothing.” I set my phone on the table.

He frowns. It’s not like he has a no phones at the table policy. His own’s sitting right next to his plate. “Who are you texting?” he asks.

Does he honestly think I’d be contacting other girls when I’m sitting at his dining table? When all I’ve been talking about since I got home is repairing my relationship with Molly?

“Molly unblocked me.” I grin even wider, not even caring if it pisses him off.

He flicks his gaze to the ceiling and shakes his head. “Good.”

“Do you mean that?”

“Yes.” He stabs his fork into a piece of egg and shoves it in his mouth.

Something bugged me the whole way home. And now, the need to question Remy won’t leave me alone. “You know, it’s weird, I checked three different weather apps and none of them said anything about snow this week.”

“Huh? Really.” Remy scratches his head, a sure sign he’s lying, being a sarcastic dick, or some combination of the two. “I definitely saw it somewhere. Maybe that’s what they mean about ‘climate change.’”

“Weather and climate aren’t the same thing.” I dip the corner of a piece of toast into my egg yolk. “Try again.”

“Weathermen are always gettin’ shit wrong.”

“Uh-huh.” I munch on toast and egg for a few seconds, thinking over my words. Remy returns to attacking his eggs like he has a personal vendetta against them.

I take a sip of juice and set my glass down. “You ever get tired of playing puppet master?”

“Puppet master?” He glances up from his plate. “That’s new.”

I hold out my hand and wiggle my fingers in the air like I’m making a puppet dance. “You brought those girls over to force me into telling you how I feel about Molly. You set Torch and Molly up.” I almost choke on that accusation, I’m still so pissed about it. “Now, you made up a fake snowstorm.”

“And just think.” His dickish smile increases tenfold. “That’s only the shit you know about.”

I should’ve known he’d show no remorse. “For fuck’s sake, Remy.”

“What?” He holds out his hands in an I’m-so-innocent gesture. “Look at it this way, if you were willing to run that stuff out to her, I’d know you were serious. Then I would’ve talked to her about maybe unblocking you.”


“If you didn’t give a fuck, then I wouldn’t bother.” He shrugs as if the answer should’ve been simple and obvious.

Could he be a bigger asshole? I tap my phone. “So, this is your doing?”

“Nope. I hadn’t gotten around to it.” He frowns and checks his own phone. “She still hasn’t answered my text today.”

“I don’t think she appreciated you tricking her.”

A minuscule flash of guilt crosses his face. “She doing okay?”

“She’s good, I think.”

“She wasn’t pissed you showed up instead of me?”

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