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“She does,” I agree, a little embarrassed he now knows the stuffed rabbit he gave me lives on my bed.

I grab the bag with my ugly old snow boots and stick it in my closet. “I don’t know why Remy was so worried. It’s not like I plan to go sledding or something.”

“Yeah, he seemed really stressed about it for some reason.” He clears his throat. “Can I walk you to your class?”

“Oh, shoot! I better get going.” I’m torn. I don’t want Griff to leave but I can’t be late to class. “This professor locks us out if we’re late.”

“Well, let’s go.” He opens the door and holds it for me. “I’d hate to have to kick your professor’s ass on my first visit.”

He says it teasingly but knowing Griff he’d probably go bang on the classroom door if I got locked out. The thought propels me forward.

It’s a small space and our bodies brush against each other as I pass. Griff’s warm, woodsy scent wraps around me. I close my eyes for a second. So many things have changed between us, but his familiar scent still both comforts and excites me.

Class. I have to get to class.

“You okay, Muffin?” Griff asks.

Why does he have to call me that now? I blink up and find him staring at me.

“Uh, I, yeah,” I mumble and duck my head, then hurry into the hallway.

Griff follows, closing the door behind him.

I drag my feet the whole way downstairs—I’m worried about Griff’s knee, and I want to delay him leaving as long as possible.

My class is in a brick building kind of shaped like an old church on the far side of campus. “Where’d you park?” I ask Griff.

“In that visitor’s lot near the cafe.” He waves his arm in the opposite direction of where we’re headed.

I stop walking and face him. “You don’t have to walk me all the way to class. It’s kinda far…”

He glances ahead, as if judging the distance, even though I haven’t told him where it is yet. “But I want to see where your class is.” He taps the side of his head. “Then I’ll know what to picture when I’m thinking of you.”

Oh, wow. Why’d he have to say something so sweet now when we have to say goodbye in a few minutes. And I haven’t even apologized for how mean I’ve been the last few times we saw each other.

“Okay.” I fight the urge to slip my hand into his as we continue walking.

All too soon, the little building comes into view. A steady stream of people are pushing their way through the red front doors. “This is it,” I say.

“It looks like a church.”

I chuckle and point to the little wooden plaque above the doors. Church Hall.

“Well, look at that.” He grins and hands over my backpack. “Hope you have a good rest of your day.”


Awkwardness slides over us for a second.

Griff shoves his hands in his pockets and lifts his brow.

“Thanks for, uh, bringing my stuff. And breakfast.”


I’m almost in the front door when something compels me to turn around. Griff’s still standing on the sidewalk, hands in his pockets, eyes watching me. He’s as tall and immovable as a statue while students move around him. I push through the clump of guys behind me and hurry down the stairs back to Griff.

Concern creases his forehead. “What’s wrong?”

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