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That’s not true. Is it? The sweet nickname I’ve been calling Molly since she was little isn’t something perverted. It can’t be. Remy would’ve told me to knock it off if it was. Someone would’ve said something by now, right?

People are staring at our table. Just what I don’t need—more attention drawn to the situation. I definitely don’t want Molly to overhear anything this deviant says.

I throw Buck into his seat. He flies backward, almost falling off the bench. I lift my shoulders in a casual shrug, even though I’m feeling anything but calm. “Guess I’m not familiar with all the creepy pervert lingo like you are.”

“You’re an idiot.” Pip glares at Buck. “You’re thinking of muff, not muffin. They’re two different words with completely different meanings, you absolute fucking dolt.”

“Thanks.” I frown in Pip’s direction. “Couldn’t have piped up sooner?”

“And miss you choking him? Nah.” Pip holds out his fist to me, and I tap it quickly with my own.

“Shut up, Pipsqueak,” Buck grumbles. “You’re just mad girls don’t want you to eat their muffins.”

“That’s what you think,” Pip mutters.

Relief replaces my previous horror as I tune out their back-and-forth insults. What if Buck’s the only asshole stupid enough to say that to my face? There are plenty of dumb fucks walking around the planet. Maybe I shouldn’t call her muffin anymore in case it gives someone else perverted ideas about my girl.


“Why are boys so weird?” Juliet says, staring at Griff and Pip’s table. “I wish Spoons would stop inviting Buck to stuff. He never knows when to shut up.”

“Yeah, they both creeped me out.” I shrug and turn away. “That’s why I’m staying here at your table.”

“Eraser threatened to drag Buck behind his truck if he didn’t watch his mouth.” Ella rubs her hands together with wicked glee. “Maybe tonight’s the night.”

I snort with laughter and poke my fork into the corner of Juliet’s slice of cake.

“Sooo…” Juliet nudges me with her elbow. “You and Griff? Finally.”

Ella titters with laughter and slaps her hand over her mouth.

Juliet shoots a glare at Ella, then returns her big sister eyes to my face. I brace myself for whatever’s coming.

“Seriously,” Juliet says. “How’s it going?”



I turn my head and stare her dead in the eyes. “This convo’s giving your changing body lecture vibes, Juliet.”

“Do you need a birds and the bees talk, Molly?” she asks in her most serious mom tone.

Ella bursts out laughing.

“Shush, I’m serious.” Juliet reaches over and taps Ella’s arm. When she turns to me again, her face is all sisterly concern. “I’ve birthed a tiny human. Nothing embarrasses me anymore. You can ask me anything.”

I open my mouth to protest but a catch in my chest stops me cold. There are so many things I wish I had my mom around to talk to about. Or my grandmother. She always listened, even if a lot of the advice she gave was of the generic “don’t let boys talk you into anything” variety, without ever explaining what the anything might be.

Nothing immediately springs to mind though. “I can’t think of anything right now.” My gaze shifts toward the racetrack where Vapor and another guy are walking around an old green Camaro.

“I won’t say anything to your brother,” Juliet promises. “Or even to Vapor.”

I doubt she keeps many secrets from her husband, so I appreciate the offer. “Thanks.”

“I know what it’s like not to have a mom around, and first love…is a big deal.” Juliet sighs, then chuckles. “Although I did have a best friend who gave me a 101 Sex Positions guide.”

Ella whistles. “Vienna’s a smart chick.”

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