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Wait. Molly’s gone. Shit.

“Um.” Not wanting to put my hands on Layla, I slide myself to the side, out from underneath her bony butt cheeks. Unfortunately, she topples onto the couch, then slides onto the floor with a hard thump.

Shit. I wasn’t trying to hurt the girl—I just wanted her out of my lap.

“Sorry.” I’d offer a hand to help her off the floor, but I don’t want to give her the wrong idea.

Too late. Seems she arrived at the house with plenty of her own ideas. She curls her fingers over my knee and pulls herself into a kneeling position in front of me. Licking her lips, she drops her gaze to my crotch, making it clear what she’s after.

Nope. Hell fucking no. I jump off the couch like my ass is on fire, shooting a glare at Remy.

“What’s the matter?” He has the nerve to smirk at me. “I think Layla wants to take care of you. Don’t be rude.”

“Fuck off,” I snarl.

Layla’s confused eyes dart between Remy and me.

I glance at the staircase. Molly must’ve gone to her room. Should I run upstairs and check on her? Will Remy stop me? Oh, I’d love to see him fucking try. Enough anger’s burning through me that I’d probably relocate his jaw to his ass.

Just what I need to do—cause a scene in front of these girls and give them shit to gossip about later. Vile stuff that could get back to Molly and end up hurting her.

Should I get the fuck out of here and deal with Remy tomorrow when I’m not shaking with rage?

My feet are already moving toward the front door before I make up my mind. I grab my sneakers and jam them on.

“Where you going, bro?” Remy shouts.

I stomp into the archway between the hall and the living room to glare at him. “Home, asshole.”

“More for me!” Remy’s words and laughter follow me out the door.



The next morning when Remy opens the front door, his face has never looked so fucking punchable.

“Morning,” he rasps. “Why’re you here so early?”

“We need to talk.”

He stares at me, then takes a step back. “What are you, a vampire waiting for a fucking invitation?” He opens the door wider.

I step inside and close the door behind me. Except for the faint scent of coffee, the house seems perfectly still. “Your fan club still here?”

“Nah.” He waves his hand in the air and takes a sip of the coffee in his mug. His gaze drops to my empty hands. “What? No muffins today?”

“Busy Beans isn’t open this early.”

He yawns, loud and obnoxiously, blowing his rancid morning breath in my direction. “You should’ve just spent the night if you were going to be waking me up this early.” He yawns again.

“Stop breathing on me, fucker.” I wave my hand in the air. “I don’t know if I should give you a breath mint or toilet paper.”

He, of course, exhales in my face.

I shove him away and gesture to the mug in his hands. “Obviously you’ve been up long enough to make coffee, jackass.” Anger from last night still simmers in my blood and I can’t keep it out of my voice.

“Christ, settle down,” he grumbles. “Maybe if you’d let Layla blow you, you wouldn’t be so fucking grumpy today.”

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