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On the other hand, I have a few self-defense moves in my arsenal. Kneeing her in the crotch might not be the right one for this situation, but I’m willing to give it a shot.

A big hand wraps around her wrist before she has a chance to let loose, yanking her sideways so fast glitter flakes off her skin, floating in the air between us.

“The fuck you think you’re doing?” Eraser growls loud enough for several people in the immediate area to turn and stare. “You touch Remy’s sister, I’m gonna toss you out on your ass and let my wife back her car over you.”

The girl’s eyes widen and her gaze ping-pongs between Eraser and me. I pull my shoulders back and try to look like I wasn’t five seconds away from peeing my pants.

“I didn’t…You’re…oh,” she stammers.

Being Griff’s girlfriend doesn’t offer me much protection. Being Remy’s sister does. Interesting.

Eraser releases Dinah and she stumbles away, mumbling an apology.

“You just got here. How are you already gettin’ into trouble, lil’ McMuffin?” Eraser teases.

I laugh and roll my eyes at the nickname. “Not my fault. Guess she feels a certain way about Griff?”

Eraser seems to read the question in my voice. “She’s not his ex or anything, Molly. Just some chick who wishes she had his attention.”

That must be his roundabout way of reassuring me Griff’s never boinked her before. “Good to know.”

“Come on.” He slings his arm over my shoulder and gently guides me to his table.

Ella jumps up as soon as we make eye contact. “McMuffin! I was wondering when you’d get over here.”

Eraser gestures for me to slide around to the other side where I can put my back against the wall and sit next to Ella.

“Boy, he really wants us trapped back here, huh?” I say to her.

“Nah. If anything goes down, we flip the table, brace it against the wall, and have ourselves a nice little fort to hide out in.” She curls her fingers around the edge of the table as if she’s about to demonstrate her plan.

“Uh, wow. You’ve put a lot of thought into that.”

“We grab the cash box too, of course.” She bends over and drags a small black backpack over. “And I’ve got a few tricks in here.” Her hand disappears inside the bag and returns with a can of pepper spray.

“I thought that wasn’t legal?”

She chuckles. “Look around you, Molly. None of this is legal. The pepper spray is the least of it.”

Why’d I have to say something so good-girlish? Maybe I really don’t belong here. “Uh, yeah. Good point.”

“Anyway, I’ve never had to flip the table, but just in case, that’s the plan.” Her expression turns softer as her gaze lands on her husband. “He makes me run through a drill every time I come with him.”

“You two are the cutest deranged couple ever,” I tease.

“I know, right?” She grins.

“Hey, can I place a bet?” a guy on the other side of the table interrupts us.

Ella stands to help him.

While they’re busy talking, I let my gaze wander the massive space. A lot of concrete and institutional tile. Maybe this was the cafeteria when this place was a correctional facility? Or a gymnasium? The big metal cage in the center makes it hard to tell.

“You with Stonewall?” a gruff voice from my left asks.

I tear my gaze away from the cage and glance up at the dark-haired man towering over the table. Something about his curly hair and bulky frame seems familiar but I can’t place him. I glance at Ella for guidance on how to answer this stranger but she’s still busy.

Good grief. I’m a big girl. I don’t need Ella to protect me. I stand and cross my arms over my chest. “Who’s asking?”

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