Page 11 of Blaze

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“Are you a beer or liquor type of girl?” I ask, parking her in the middle of the bar. The other guys usually steer clear if it’s obvious one of us is interested in a chick, but there isn’t a single one of us who wouldn’t take advantage of an opening if we saw it. I plan to make sure no one thinks they can move in on Claire. She’s not mine yet, but she will be. At least for tonight. I’d decided that the moment I saw her in the damn polka dot dress she’s wearing. Shit, I’ve never been one for the cute girl-next-door type, but Claire is making me crave a slice of her sweetness.

Before she answers, I shoot her a grin. “Let me guess—you prefer wine?”

Claire’s nose scrunches up and she crosses her arms, pushing her petite breasts up. She doesn’t even know how much of a temptress she is. It’s refreshing.

“I’m good with beer,” she says, challenge in her voice. “And not a cheap one that’s more water than beer.”

I snort but open one of the beer fridges and grab two bottles of hefeweizens. After popping the caps, I hand one to her and take a long drink of mine.

“Thank you,” she says, too fucking polite, and looks around the room as she takes a small sip. I set my beer on the bar top beside her and rest one forearm on the bar, angling myself towards her. I decide to wait her out and it doesn’t take long. She darts a look at me twice before she gestures to the room with the bottle in her hand. “So this is the wild biker party I needed to experience at least once in my life?”

Following her look, I snort. There are some club bunnies prancing around in barely-there shorts and crop tops or micro dresses, almost all of them wearing high heels and a ton of makeup. There are other club members and some other civilian guests from Devil’s Haven. Every man here has been vouched for by a Knight, otherwise, they’d never made it onto the property. Other than some gratuitous groping, it’s pretty tame.

“Nah,” I shake my head and meet her gaze. “The party is just warming up. Once the sun sets and the bonfires are started, that’s when things really heat up. You’ll want to stick close to me, kitten, else you might find yourself dragged into a dark corner by someone wanting a taste of you.”

To my surprise, Claire doesn’t look offended. She just takes another sip of her beer, those pretty lips of hers caressing the bottle, her dainty fingers holding the neck with care. She cocks her head, eyeing me speculatively.

“And you won’t? Drag me into a dark corner?”

A slow grin twists my lips as my cock throbs at the very idea. I lean in over her, crowding her, and run my knuckles over her cheek. “Oh, I absolutely will.”

Her whiskey-honey eyes drop to my lips, her own parting on a sweet breath. The scent of wildflowers and lemon cuts through hot desert, leather, and gasoline. I bring my face closer, my knuckles trailing down under her jaw. She sways towards me, and twisted satisfaction curls within me. She wants me. Even if her mind is fighting it, her body isn’t.

I move my hand until I’m gripping the back of her neck, my hand big enough to wrap around most of it.

She stiffens, her gaze flying to mine.

A growl rumbles from deep within me. “I’ve wanted to taste these lips since you tried pulling a gun on me, kitten,” I say, keeping my voice low. A flair of defiance brightens Claire’s eyes and I push myself forward and claim her lips with my own. She gasps, and I take advantage of the sweet sound, slipping my tongue into her mouth. She tastes faintly of the citrusy wheat beer, but under that she’s all sweetness like I’d guessed.

Claire doesn’t pull away, and as I slide my tongue against hers, she submits, melting against me as she tentatively returns the kiss. Never breaking the kiss, I steal her beer and set it aside before wrapping my other arm around her lower back, my hand gripping her hip as her hands land on my shoulders. She’s soft where I’m hard, gentle where I’m rough, and my flames dance under my skin.

I turn us, pinning her back against the bar, pressing my hips into her stomach. I swallow her surprised moan and run my hand from her hip to her side, skimming up until I’m cupping her breast. I groan, licking into her mouth, as I feel her hard nipple through the thin material, realizing she isn’t wearing a bra. Needing more, I shove my knee between her thighs, finally letting go of her neck to grip her hips and guide her to rock against my thigh. Even through my jeans, I can feel how hot she is.

“Blaze,” she pants, and damn, I love the way she breathes my name.

Unable to resist her soft skin, I run my hand along her thigh, then up higher, sliding under the flirty dress. She tenses, her hands curling around my cut but she isn’t telling me to stop. Leaning my forehead against hers, I move until I can cup her pussy through her underwear.

I groan, dipping my lips to bite and kiss her again at how hot she feels. “You’re so fucking wet already,” I growl out, my hunger for her turning base and primal. “What is it about you that makes me want to wrap these legs around me and bury myself in you?”

Her breath catches, her panties damp, and the tart, tangy scent of her arousal melds with her wildflowers and lemon, drugging me. I need to feel her.

The music cuts off, slamming us back to reality. Claire’s eyes are wide with shock, and I recognize the look too well. She’s about to run. My lip curls in a silent snarl, but then pissed-off shouting has my head snapping towards the open doors. The pool game is abandoned and girls are dumped off laps as men book it outside.

A moment later, Chainz storms in through the doorway without the brunettes from earlier, gun in hand, and when he locks on us, he stomps over. A moan comes from Claire again, but this time it’s pure fear. A ferocious instinct to protect the small woman makes me grab her by the shoulders and move her until I’m between my fellow demon brother and her.

“What the fuck’s going on?” I demand.

Chainz snarls but doesn’t raise the gun. “Ask the piece of pussy behind you. Seems she’s pissed someone off, and they’ve crashed the party. Reaper wants her out front.”

Fuck that. If Claire’s in trouble, there’s no way I’m just handing her over without asking more questions—ordered by Reaper or not. I look over my shoulder. The moment I do, Claire does the last thing I expect.

She turns and runs.



I’m stupid. How could I have thought I’d gained a lead on the Santi Pastori? That I could let down my guard for even a few hours and try to remember what it was like to not be afraid anymore. The moment Chainz told Blaze to ask me about what was happening, I fled.

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