Page 23 of Dad Bod Demon

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“I didn’t know I was going to love you as much as I do,” I admit for the first time, tilting her chin with my index finger. “But I love you completely.”

Penelope’s eyes fill with tears, but they're happy tears that wash away the rest of the world. “You love me?”

“Totally and without reservation,” I say for the first time in my existence. Have I ever loved anyone or anything before? No, not that I can remember. “I always will.”

She moves into my arms, her lips reaching for mine. “I love you, Mammon.”

Her words are a whisper against my lips, and I smile.

My thoughts are only on her, which is why I don't notice the warning signs. I should have known better.

Four creatures surround us: an orc, a werewolf, a warlock, and a centaur.

I don't recognize a single face and couldn't name them, but I know someone who hates me greatly has sent them. I sigh. All I wanted was to give my wife a wonderful day out in town.

I push Penelope behind me with the clothing store window at her back. I have the strength to fight these enemies, but I need to be careful not to endanger my wife.

They close in on us, each searching for the right opening to come for us. Which one will be a problem first?

The werewolf advances, saliva dripping from his sharp teeth. The orc approaches from the other side, trying to get to Penelope.

She lets out a whimper, gripping my arm tightly.

The werewolf leaps, the warlock close behind.

I fight with the strength only a demon possesses, especially when the woman he loves is threatened. I elbow the werewolf, hearing the satisfying crack of his snout as blood spurts from his face before he crashes to the ground.

Turning, I slam my fist into the orc's gut. He doubles over, and I deliver a mighty uppercut, sending him flying up the narrow alleyway.

The warlock is next as I grip his throat and hoist him into the air before tossing him into the opposite wall. His head hits the exposed brickwork with a resounding crack before he crumples to the concrete, motionless.

The centaur grins as he makes his move. Centaurs are tricky fuckers, and my heart thumps with adrenaline and fear for my wife. I’m so focused on him that it takes me a second to realize that Penelope is no longer behind me.


Her scream pierces the air as she's dragged away.

Fuck, a fifth assailant. How did I not see him? I'm getting sloppy.

Before I can go to Penelope's aid, the centaur rears, its hooves flailing an inch from my face. Its objective is obvious—keep me occupied while the unknown assailant takes off with Penelope. But they haven't accounted for my love for my wife and my determination to keep her safe.

The centaur rears again, leaving his midsection vulnerable. I thrust my arm forward, slashing his chest with my talons and opening several wounds. The centaur screams, staggers, and tumbles to the ground.

I turn, instantly seeking Penelope as I sprint deeper into the alleyway. Any shoppers are long gone, no doubt heading for safety at the first sign of trouble.


I follow my wife's scream at a run, turning left at the end of the alleyway and almost tripping over my wife's prone body.

I glimpse a face disappearing into the shadows—a face I haven't seen for many years.

Rapha. The` fucker is back.

"Penelope!" I drop to my haunches, gathering her into my arms.

"I'm okay," Penelope says breathlessly.

Relief floods through me. I cradle her close, my protective instincts raging against the asshole who dared to take her from me. Smoothing her hair from her face, I scan her for injuries.
