Page 24 of A Stop in Time

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I step outside, leaving the chaos behind, and head home.


“Police have discovered another dead body just outside Jacksonville city limits. This time, the body of a young woman, who has yet to be identified, was found near an uninhabited wooded area.

“Some locals now fear a serial killer is on the loose, while others say crime like this isn’t a new occurrence in cities such as Jacksonville…”



I grind the heels of my palms against my eyes and force myself to detach my fucking emotions. But it’s no goddamn use.

It doesn’t matter that my sister left me to find a way to survive at the hands of our abusive father. I don’t give a shit that she never made good on her promise to come back for me or that she cut me out of her life permanently, like I was a piece of motherfucking trash.

She’s still my flesh and blood. She’s still my sister, and whoever murdered her is going to pay with their life.

It wasn’t luck that had Bronson Cortez, leader of The Scorpions, placing me as his second-in-charge of the most notorious gang in this part of Florida. No, it was me proving myself.

I rightfully earned my place beside him by showing I have what it takes to kick ass, and when necessary, eliminate any piece of shit without blinking.

He’s more than just my boss, though; he’s the best damn friend I’ve got. He didn’t so much as fucking blink when I said I’d need time off for this.

Goddamn, this has been a wild goose chase. Three motherfucking weeks of chasing down every damn place named Freebird—coincidentally, they’ve all been dive bars—within a two-hour drive of downtown Jacksonville and asking around for someone named Mac.

Three weeks with no luck whatsoever. This is the last possible lead I’ve got. It’s draining on me, because if this doesn’t pan out, I’ll need to widen the range to a three-hour range of downtown.

The prospect of that spurs on a dull throb behind my eyes, and I pinch the bridge of my nose. Christ. Why couldn’t you give me more to go on, Emilia?

I’ve been avoiding Bronson’s messages for days now, because fuck if I want to put into words that I’ve hit nothing but dead ends. Knowing he’d track me down and show up, wanting to help even though he’s got business to deal with, I heave out a sigh and pick up my phone and type a quick message.

I’m good. Just trying to find some good leads.

He comes back with Good. Keep me posted. We’re always here for you.

On impulse, I type Give Georgia my love.

It’s the first time my mouth has twitched with the urge to smile, because I know what his response will be before he even sends it.

And fuck off. She’s got all the love she needs from me.

It’s not surprising, considering how possessive he is of his wife. And I don’t blame him one bit. She’s one of a kind. Someone who accepted him for everything he is and isn’t.

I huff out a tired laugh and set my phone aside. It vibrates with an incoming message a second later. This time, it has a genuine smile forming on my lips.

It’s me, Georgia. Don’t mind Mr. Gangbanger here. You know how he is. :) And, please, be safe. We miss you, Daniel.

Raking a hand through my hair, I sit back in my chair while Georgia’s words manage to sink deep in my chest. It reminds me of the family that’s stuck by me—and still is by my side. They’re not blood relation; they’re ten times better than what I was born with.

I reach for the small medal I’ve worn around my neck for years. The woman who became the mother I’d always wanted gave it to me when I graduated high school as one of the few valedictorians. She may never have said a word about my past or asked any questions, but deep down, I think she knew.

“Saint Germaine is a patron saint.” She’d held the golden chain with the medal in her palm. “The young girl, Germaine, suffered at the hands of her own family who abused her greatly.”

Even after all this time, I still remember her face—her expression—when she’d given it to me. “Let this not only protect you but remind you of what you’ve overcome.”

My fingertips touch the oval medal, and I know it’s all psychological, but it somehow makes me feel closer to them. To the family I have now who wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone who mistreated one of us.

Tension has coiled in the muscles of my neck, and I stretch it from side to side, before rising from my seat.

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