Page 128 of A Stop in Time

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Although the badge-reading device connected to the door remains dark and non-functioning, a sick, churning sensation in my stomach pummels me when I reach for the door handle.

Once I step inside the cool, dark building, I shine my flashlight on the man seated behind the small desk, a bank of dark monitors in his view.

Holy shit. I know him. He’s the man who’d stopped by the other day, pretending to know Mr. Otis.

But that’s not all.

As I stare at his face, another embedded memory is unearthed.

His face is inches from mine, his lips stretched in a smirk that makes my skin crawl. He’d succeeded in sneaking in when they had me restrained with a gag in my mouth. It was my punishment for not reacting as Dr. Pinney had expected.

“You’re an evil little slut, ain’t ya?” His rancid breath has my stomach churning.

He shoves the hospital gown up, bunching it beneath my neck. His eyes light up with glee at the sight of my naked flesh. “Aw, yeah. Look at that snatch.”

His hands fly to his belt, practically ripping it loose and pulling out his pathetic excuse for a dick.

I scream, but the gag muffles the sound, and my thrashing attempts to break free of the restraints are futile.

“Yeah. Struggle.” He lowers his face to mine, his fat tongue licking a wet path from my jaw to my temple. “You taste like fear. I like it.”

One of his large palms gropes at my breast so roughly, it rips another muffled scream from me.

He climbs on top of the gurney, his knees between my spread legs that are bound in place, and fists his dick.

I close my eyes, wishing I could die right now. I can’t do this anymore. Please make it stop, I silently beg. Pleasepleaseplease.

“Get away from her. Now.” Dr. Pinney’s voice holds a lethal edge I’ve never heard before. An odd sort of possessiveness lights his eyes, and his hands flex at the sides of his white lab coat.

The man scrambles off me and rushes from the room, and for the first time ever, Dr. Pinney’s presence fills me with a bit of relief.

I snap out of the memory, coming back to the present. Something dark and nefarious ignites within me, my voice sounding detached and foreign to my own ears. “You would’ve raped me. And enjoyed it.”

I withdraw his gun from his holster, release the safety, step back, and take aim.

Distantly, I acknowledge my movements are more robotic than natural. Two shots. One to his groin and the other between the eyes, and it’s all over.

In a blink, awareness rushes back in, and with it comes an unsettling realization. Killing comes naturally for me. Only now, I’m doing it on my own terms. I’m eliminating people who took part in shaping my life into the makings of a nightmare.

Rote memory seizes me, and I drop the flashlight I no longer need to help me navigate this familiar floor plan. The ting of the metal light hitting the floor follows me as my feet carry me deeper into the building.

It’s a contrast for my broken mind, as one small part still believes this place is foreign, while the other deems it all too familiar.

Countless times, I’ve walked through this building.

Countless times, I’ve been wheeled back in, in restraints after attempting to escape this fucking madness.

Fury uncoils inside me, fueling me, and my footsteps speed up toward the end of the corridor as I near the door to the infamous room which is constructed of two separate spaces.

One is where they observe. Where they document all the torture and the subsequent reactions.

In the other, all the torture and manipulation takes place.

The faintest trace of light glows beneath the door, and my steps falter. I frown in confusion before the memory of what I’d once overheard two interns mention comes flooding back.

“This is the only section that’s been built to withstand other forms of intruding energy manipulation. Effectively, it insulates it from anything that can be disruptive.”

Those interns had quit and then decided to share the horrors of what they’d witnessed here.

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