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“Are you two together now?” Jeremy presses, snapping me back to the present and nudging me toward an answer.

“I don’t know,” is all I manage, feeling the weight of uncertainty as I rub the back of my neck.

Jeremy doesn’t let up. “Do you like her?”

“Of course.”

“She knows you’re leaving?”


“What did she say about it?”

I pause, leaning back and fixing Jeremy with a wary look. “Why the interrogation?”

He chuckles, shrugging it off. “Just curious, that’s all. I mean, I would’ve appreciated a heads-up that you two have been together for quite a while, but don’t worry, man. I’d never step into something you’ve got going on. You know that.”

I nod, reassured by his words. “I know that.”

“However,” Jeremy continues, his tone shifting as he raises a finger for emphasis. “The moment you decide you’re not pursuing that route anymore, give me a heads-up. I wouldn’t mind trying my luck with her again.”

I’m left speechless by his audacity, my emotions fluctuating between irritation and disbelief. Before I can gather my thoughts, Jeremy bursts out laughing, clapping his hands in amusement.

“You should see your face,” he teases, barely containing his amusement. “Man, you’re in love with her.”

Despite my instinct to deny it, I find myself unable to outright refute his observation. “I feel things for Gina,” I concede, a mix of confusion and realization in my voice. “I have deep feelings for her. But whether this is love or just another form of addiction, I can’t say for sure.”

The laughter fades from Jeremy’s face, replaced by a look of earnest concern. He understands the journey I’ve undergone to arrive at this point, the battles fought to stand here, perhaps not entirely whole, but certainly less fractured than before. Leaning in, he plants his elbows on the table, ensuring we’re eye to eye, signaling the gravity of his words.

“Don’t worry about Gina,” he begins, his voice steady and sincere. “I’ll keep an eye on her for you and my hands to myself. I promise. I’ll also take care of Steve and make sure he doesn’t lose his shirt at the casino. Your only focus should be on winning that competition. Because Randy, you’re an exceptional chef and an incredible cousin. And when you’re ready, you’ll be an amazing partner for someone. Especially for a woman as remarkable as Gina. She’s exactly the kind of person you deserve.”

Choked up, I rise to my feet, arms out wide, gesturing for Jeremy to stand for a hug. At this moment, I’m embracing one of the two pillars who have kept me from falling apart. Jeremy and Steve are the reasons I’m still standing. They are why I haven’t lost myself to despair. They’re why I’m not crying over missed opportunities and a future I’ve let slip through my fingers.

“I love you,” I say with absolute certainty.

Jeremy responds with a kiss on my cheek. “I love you too.” He then steps back. “Now, go. You don’t want to miss your flight. I’ll handle the cleanup here and then head to Atlantic City to sort out Steve.”

We exchange a final handshake, pull in for a last tight hug, and then part ways—each of us embarking on our separate paths. I’m off to seize a career-defining opportunity, and Jeremy is off to save Steve from himself.

Chapter 10

Without Randy


Today is just another manic Wednesday. Entering the Calypso Café, I can’t help but immediately look at the clock above the front counter. Yep, I’m seven minutes late, again. No matter how much I rush, leaving class at 12:35 p.m. just doesn’t give me enough time to clock in by 1 p.m.

A certain memory comes to mind, and it’s clear as day. It’s of Randy watching me from across the room as I walk in. But now I can see something in his eyes I missed before. There was a kind of eagerness, as if he had been looking forward to my arrival. Yet all he got from me was a grumpy frown and a bit of attitude. Looking back, it’s so evident that there was more going on between us beneath the surface.

I already miss him—I miss him more than I thought possible.

“Gina!” Sarah calls, pulling me back to the present.

“Hey, Sarah! I’ll be right there,” I call back, quickening my steps toward the locker room.

“We need you in the kitchen.”

I halt, surprised. “In the kitchen?” It’s only then that I notice her frantic energy and the bustling scene of the café. Having called in sick yesterday, I was under the impression from Rita that, with Randy’s departure, the lunch and dinner rushes would diminish, especially since his signature dishes were supposedly off the menu. Clearly, I was misinformed.

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