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“I don’t have feelings for him in any way.” Even though I’m strongly protesting, my insides feel as if I’m making a feeble attempt at convincing her.

Sarah serves herself another hearty helping of ravioli, while I find myself silently appreciative that Randy left enough on the plate for both of us. We’re famished, and it shows in the way we’re eating. “Is that so?” she asks, sounding far too nonchalant for my liking.

“Yes! Absolutely.”

Sarah just shrugs. “Okay, then.”

Her indifference irks me. I feel like she’s not taking me seriously. “I really don’t!” I insist.

“Whatever, Gina.”

This whole verbal exchange feels like a trainwreck. Just because there’s a physical attraction and some chemistry between us doesn’t mean I actually like him. And clearly, he doesn’t like me in that way either. Sarah calls what he does “banter”? That sounds like a sugarcoated way of excusing his behavior. All these thoughts are swirling around, ready to burst out, when my Apple Watch beeps. Relieved for the distraction, I eagerly answer it, grateful for the chance to divert my thoughts from this mess.

“Hi, Gina. It’s Jeremy.” His voice cuts through the crisp late-afternoon air.

Sarah’s eyes are fixed on my lips, as though she’s hanging on every word I’m about to say. I wish I had my AirPods to make this a bit more private, but they’re in my purse, which is in my locker.

“Hi, Jeremy,” I manage, forcing a smile that feels genuine. But if being honest, I’m surprised to hear from him.

“I was wondering, do you have any plans for tonight?” he asks.

I hesitate, keenly aware of Sarah’s intense gaze fixed on me as if she’s determined to catch every nuance of my response. “Um, no. I guess not,” I say, a bit unnerved by her scrutiny.

“How about dinner?” Jeremy proposes.

Glancing at the large plate of food on the table, mostly devoured by Sarah, I reply, “Sure.”

Sarah silently claps and mouths, “Good answer.”

Jeremy adds, “Oh, and how about we keep talk of Randy off the table tonight? I’d rather know more about you.”

In a moment of panic, I quickly agree, telling him he can pick me up at The Calypso at 7 p.m., before ending the call swiftly. I avoided making eye contact with Sarah during the last part of my conversation with Jeremy. But now, facing the music, I look at her. Sarah’s eyebrows are raised in a “told-you-so” manner, as if to say, “See? I was right about you and Randy, wasn’t I?”

Chapter 5

Where to Run?


Four Hours Later

The date was unexpectedly fantastic. Jeremy’s curiosity about the choices I’ve made in life led to a deep conversation. As I recounted my decisions, I felt a bit erratic in my life’s direction. Yet if Jeremy shared that impression, he concealed it masterfully.

The subject of Randy didn’t come up, allowing me to learn more about Jeremy too. He resides in what I would describe as a luxury apartment in Boston, a detail he downplayed, and why he’s here in a humble town is still cloaked in privacy. In his professional life, though, he’s a financier for insurance companies. He also opened up about more personal matters, revealing he is divorced and has a son named Jude, who is ten. Jude has a passion for science and math, and though he splits his time between both parents, he spends every weekend with Jeremy in Boston.

As we walk along the pier, the gentle stroll helps us digest our delightful dinner. While the meal was enjoyable, I can’t help but think it still falls short of Randy’s ravioli. But that’s as much as I’ll dwell on Randy for now. True, my last thought of him was a fond one, yet typically, my thoughts about him skew toward the negative. And tonight is too splendid for such negativity. The air is refreshingly brisk, and the moon casts a mesmerizing reflection on the bay, creating a perfect, tranquil atmosphere.

Sparked by lingering curiosity, I venture to ask, “Then you’ve been in love?”

“I suppose so,” Jeremy responds, looking up with a contemplative expression. “The thing is, I still love her,” he discloses.

My intrigued “Hmm” encourages him to share more. Jeremy opens up about his ex-wife, April, revealing they were college sweethearts who tied the knot right after high school. As time passed, they gradually acknowledged they were evolving in different directions, a turn of events not uncommon for young lovers. This realization led to an amicable separation. These days, Jeremy and April share a bond that’s more familial than romantic, particularly since April has remarried. Her new husband, Eddie, comes highly recommended by Jeremy, who praises him not only as a fantastic stepfather to his son but also as a genuinely good person.

Wearing his trademark flirtatious smile, Jeremy playfully remarks, “April made a good choice, which means I’ve got to step up my game too.”

I can’t help but snort sarcastically, asking, “Then why are you out with me?”

His laughter is infectious, and his smile deepens, becoming even more enticing. “Because you’re beautiful,” he asserts.

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