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“You sound happy about it.” My tone is faintly chastising and I can’t help it. Maybe I should be glad Alana is arguing with Silas too, but she’s been my friend for years, and I can’t help but feel bad seeing her in distress.

“She deserves whatever grief Silas brings her,” Iris retorts.

“Maybe she’s giving him grief.”

“Ugh, stop defending him, Willow. It’s getting old.” Iris rolls her eyes.

Her words don’t even bother me because, deep down, she’s right. I should absolutely stop rushing to his defense.

“You want to be friends with her? Then go for it! But I refuse to just stand by and watch you two get close. You know how she feels about you,” Alana suddenly yells, loud enough for all of us to hear.

For me to hear, because that statement feels directed right at me.

“It’s not like that, Alana. Come on—”

Before Silas can say anything else, she’s stomping away from him, tears streaming down her cheeks. Silas watches her go, his hands cupped around the back of his head, arms akimbo.

“Fuck!” he yells, dropping his arms at his sides, glancing over at us.

At me.

I look away first, turning my attention to Iris to find she’s already staring at me.

“Sounds like they were fighting about you,” she murmurs.

“You really think so?” I’m hoping she’ll say no.

“Um, yes.” She grabs hold of my arm and steers me away from Rhett and Brooks, practically dragging me away from the crowd so we can have a chat. Everyone’s started talking again and music begins to play, a popular song blasting at top volume from an invisible speaker. “Tell me what you’re thinking right now.”

I’m frowning at my cousin, confused. “I think the question is, what are you thinking?”

“After hearing their argument, I’m guessing Silas did like you, and Alana swooped in and snagged him up. Buuuuttt …” She drawls the word out, tapping her index finger against her pursed lips. “If he really is sitting around thinking about you and talking about you to his freaking girlfriend, maybe he was just settling for Alana. Now that you’re back, he’s realized his mistake.”

I don’t feel a single spark of hope at her words. “I don’t want to be the cause of their fights or eventual breakup.”

“I don’t think you have much choice. Looks like you already are.” Iris shrugs. “Maybe you should go for it.”


“Willow! I’m being serious.”

“I can’t.” I shake my head, dread filling me at the mere thought.

“Why not? What’s stopping you?”

“Alana is—was our friend.”

“That didn’t matter to her,” Iris points out.

True. “And I don’t think I like him like that anymore.”

“You’ve never been one to turn off your feelings so quickly, Willow. I know you. Besides, that’s usually my job.” Iris smiles, trying to make light of the moment, but I’m not feeling it.

Glancing over at where the boys still stand, I study Rhett for a moment, smiling faintly when he slaps Brooks’s chest with the back of his hand and they both start chuckling. I like that he doesn’t seem to take things too seriously, but does that mean he’s never serious? Like when it comes to girls?

Like would he really want to be with me if anything was ever to … start between us?

Maybe I’m just being hopeful. I’m basing my interest in Rhett on nothing but physical chemistry and that’s not how solid relationships start. We should know each other better first. Chemistry just fizzles out eventually if you’re not truly compatible.

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