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Her friend snorted in response, flicking her cherry red hair behind her shoulder. “Have you looked in the mirror lately, Libby? ‘Cause you’re looking pretty damn hurt to me.”

True. “Okay, fine, I’m hurt. But doesn’t that just prove my point? If I’m this broken after a few months, then what am I gonna be like six months from now, or in a year, when things don’t work out?”

“And what makes you think things won’t work out?”

It was Libby’s turn to snort. “Oh please. I may be new to all of this but even I know what those odds are. The one time I take a chance, it ends in forever? No one is that lucky.”

“He loves you, Libby. And I think you love him.”

Damn. Talk about Team Zach.

“I don’t even know what love is.” And that was the sad truth.

Rachel wasn’t letting her off the hook that easily. She grabbed her hand, pulled her up from the chair and started dragging her out of the kitchen.

This chick has no boundaries.

“Come on. Upstairs. You’re gonna shower, put on some clean clothes and I’m gonna take you out. If you’re good, I might even buy you something alcoholic.”

That sounded like a good idea. She was all for anything that would help her numb this pain.


“Whoa! Take it easy, man. What did that bag ever do to you?”

Zach looked up to find Hunter clutching the punching bag he’d been beating on. Great. Now it was Hunter’s turn to try and talk some sense into him.

The one good thing about the breakup – if he was even allowed to call it that – was that he’d never been fitter. Whenever they weren’t out on a call, he was in the gym at the fire station, normally beating the shit out of the bag his friend was currently holding hostage.

Catching his breath, Zach used his forearm to try and stop the sweat on his forehead from dripping to the ground. “Let me guess, you want to talk?”

Letting go of the bag, Hunter picked up a towel from the bench and threw it in his direction. He wasn’t going to deny he needed it. Dabbing his face, he waited for the inevitable lecture to begin. His friends had been cornering him all week. When were they going to learn no amount of “get your shit together” speeches were going to magically fix him?

“How ‘bout we get some air.” Hunter grunted. “If we’re gonna talk, I don’t want to have to smell your sweaty ass while we’re doing it.”

Ever the charmer.

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