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“Zach!” Libby screeched as he threw her over his shoulder.

“Time to celebrate, princess.” Dodging kicks aimed at his groin, he made his way over to the staircase.

Today had been a good day. Today he had officially become the owner of the ranch. Tomorrow, when he met with his brothers, it would be an even better day.

“This is more uncomfortable than it looks in the movies,” Libby grumbled. “Can you please put me down?”

Zach didn’t know what she was complaining about, she only had to withstand his shoulder for another thirty seconds at most. He just wanted to make her trip to the bedroom a little more fun. And now he was climbing the stairs, he was practically there already.

Once inside her room, he lay her on the bed then hovered over her, until she stopped pouting and allowed him a kiss.

“This is way too much excitement for a Tuesday night, Zach. What’s going on?”

His lips quirked up as she squirmed beneath him.

“My dad signed over the ranch today. Tomorrow, I’ll be signing over three quarters to my brothers.”

“Oh my God, that’s amazing news!” The smile she gave him was dazzling. “You must be so relieved. I know it’s been on your mind a lot.” Her genuine joy on his behalf only made him like her more.

As if that was possible.

“Yeah, I am,” he admitted. “I really didn’t think it would be this easy. Wade was convinced dad would try and delay it. Or somehow find out what our plans were and sell it out from under us before we had a chance to split it up. I’m just so glad it’s almost over. And we have a plan.”

“What is the plan?” she asked.

“Well, Jonah’s looking after the books. We’ve all put together a business plan. And Wade has already started implementing the changes we agreed to. Best of all, everyone’s happy, which is a damn miracle.”

“If you wanted to make one more person happy today, then I have a few ideas.” The sultry smile she gave him had his pulse quickening. Suddenly, the ranch was the last thing on his mind.

“Oh yeah? I’m all ears, princess.”

“Why don’t I show you instead?”

She could do whatever the hell she liked, and he’d let her. Especially if she kept looking at him like that.

After a soft push to his chest, he lifted himself up until his knees rested against the mattress. She came up with him, quickly dropping to her knees too. There was that smirk again.

His eyes hungrily followed as Libby dragged her dress up, revealing miles and miles of creamy skin. When the material was flung over her head, he knew he couldn’t wait any longer to touch her. Propelling himself forward, his mouth captured hers. Moments later, he was taking the kiss deeper, feasting on her moans as his hands were unclasping her bra.

Keeping their connection, he guided their bodies back down into the plush sheets and settled himself between her thighs. His favorite place. Swallowing down another whimper, he rocked into her. He would never get enough of those sexy sounds or the way she moved with him. Pressing herself closer.

His fingers trailed over heated skin, working their way between them. As his hand disappeared beneath damp panties, it was his turn to elicit a groan.

He broke their kiss just long enough to look into glazed green eyes. “You ready to celebrate, baby?”

Libby’s response wasn’t a verbal one. It involved her hand fisting the comforter and her head being thrown back as he sunk his first digit into her.

So. Fucking. Sexy.


Two months in to hooking up with Libby, and Zach was done messing around. He’d been careful to respect her boundaries and hadn’t pushed her to label what they were. Mostly because he was confident they were exclusive. He didn’t want anyone else. And he’d been keeping Libby busy enough that even if she wanted to, she didn’t have time for anyone else. Not that he was worried.

They’d also not been keeping the fact that they were together a secret. When they went out, affection came easily. Hand holding, kissing, hugging ... the works. And not just in front of strangers, but in front of his family, friends and all the guys he worked with.

Her actions weren’t exactly mirroring her words. It was as confusing as hell, but he hadn’t wanted to bring it up with her for fear she’d stop.

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