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“I choose friendship,” he declared, his gaze fixed on her as he studied her reaction.

It was safe to say their current position didn’t exactly scream ‘let’s just be friends’, nor did the raging hard-on resting against her stomach.

“When I finally take you,” he continued, his voice dropping an octave. “I won’t be leaving after. You might never get rid of me after I get a taste of what’s between those luscious thighs of yours.”

Don’t you dare moan. Don’t give him the satisfaction.

He had to go and choose friendship, didn’t he? And she had to offer it. Like a fool. How the hell was she going to be just friends with this man? He oozed frigging sex. It dripped off of him. She hadn’t thought this through. She had been so sure he’d give in, choose casual, she hadn’t pondered the alternative. Now what was she going to do?

“Is that how you speak to all your friends?”

“Only ones that look like you, princess.” He still hadn’t moved away. Why hadn’t he moved away?

“Well ... if you wanna be friends, you’re gonna have to dial back the dirty talk. And maybe we should establish some sort of personal space bubble?” Sass was all she had. The last thing she wanted was him to see just how much him being this close was affecting her.

You think he hasn’t noticed you panting like you’ve just run a marathon?

After taking his time searching her expression, he took a single step back and nodded. “I can do that.”

Now that she could breathe again, she realized the man still had his damn shirt off. And of course, he looked like some sort of Greek Adonis. Rippling abs and all.

But that was okay. Because she was a grown woman. With willpower and everything. She was perfectly capable of having a respectable, adult friendship with Zach. The hot firefighter medic.

Yes. She was. Definitely.

Keep telling yourself that.

Too busy gawking, she didn’t reply quick enough. Resulting in Zach taking it upon himself to take the lead on their newly established friendship.

“I’m back on the rota tomorrow but I’ll be off again next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I was thinking dinner again next Friday, maybe a movie too? Then on Saturday, my family’s having a barbecue, so I thought we’d stop by. Go over to the ranch.”

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dinner and a movie? A ranch? Meeting his family? Is he high?

Thank God he’d finally decided to pick up his shirt and cover up those abs because Libby was having a hard enough time thinking as it was.

“What part of I don’t want a relationship don’t you understand, Zach? Your plans sound an awful lot like dates to me. And meeting your family ... seriously?”

He had no business flashing those dimples in her direction. And no right finding this amusing.

“You know, dinner is just a meal. If we hang out in the evening, then I’m certain at one point you’re gonna get hungry. But if you don’t want to eat with me, fine. We can grab a drink at the Tipsy Cow. And a family barbecue is hardly a date. Luke is even gonna be there, and my best friend Cody. It’s a good chance to see my ma and hang out with my friends, which is what you are now too, right?”

It's not like you have any other plans.

She did like barbecue.

“Okay. Fine.” She huffed. “But drinks only on Friday. And feel free to invite your other friends along, seeing as we’re just hanging out and all.”

Zach ignored her suggestion and instead leaned in to lay a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Can’t wait. I’ll pick you up at eight on Friday.”

“Don’t friends meet each other places, rather than being picked up?” She was grasping at straws now and he knew it.

“Do you know where the Tipsy Cow is?”


“Then I’ll pick you up. At eight.” As she readied herself to protest, he backed away. “Sweet dreams, princess. Stay safe.”

She stood frozen as she listened to Zach let himself out. Apparently that was the end of the discussion. And their night.

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