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It was a valid question. She’d already told him she didn’t date. But a part of him must have hoped it was for a reason that could be fixed. Like a bad break-up. This reason didn’t seem fixable.

When Libby eventually looked back up, apprehension was clear on her face. “You’re right, it’s probably not fair to judge relationships when I’ve never been in one.”

Zach guessed right. But it was still crazy. How was it possible this beautiful, smart, sexy woman had never been in a relationship?

“And no, I don’t know what’s going on in every relationship.” She continued. “But see, the thing is, I have witnessed a lot of relationships and when I say a lot, I mean a lot. As in, multiple men in my daily life, in my house, in my living room, half naked in my kitchen ... a good eighteen years’ worth.”

Oh shit. “Your mom?”

“My mom.”

He glanced back down to her hands. She was fiddling with her fingers again. But this time, she wasn’t hiding it. Zach looked back up. He didn’t miss the sadness in her eyes as they remained firmly on him.

“My mom, the eternal, Disney-chasing optimist who followed losers from town to town all her life and dragged me along for the ride. She was desperate to find ‘The One’. But you know what she found instead?”

“I have a feeling it wasn’t good.”

“A parade of pricks.” The anger resonating in her voice was unmistakable. “Pricks who chipped away at her self-esteem. Took her money. Made her cry herself to sleep every single night. And then what did they do? They left. They all left. And who was there to pick up the pieces every time? Me. So forgive me if I don’t exactly believe in ‘The One’ or ‘happily ever after’. I mean, would you?”

No. He supposed he wouldn’t. He got it now. No wonder she didn’t want a relationship if that was her only experience of being in one. He just wished he could show her what it was meant to be like. But if the sadness glimmering in those big eyes was anything to go by, she wasn’t ready for that.

She might never be ready.

The ache in his chest returned with a vengeance. For the first time in a long time, he didn’t know what to do.

Lost in his thoughts, he was quiet so long Libby had given up waiting for a reply. She was out of her seat and clearing plates.


The last thing he wanted was for her to regret opening up to him. He knew sharing something so personal took courage. That was why he rose. It was also why he stalked toward the sink and placed his hands on top of the countertop on either side of a surprised Libby. He dipped his head until their faces were just inches apart.

Leaning into her further, Zach let his mouth hover over hers. Just for a second. He used that time to search her green gaze. Looking for clues.

“I wouldn’t believe in happily ever after either, princess.” As her shaky exhale warmed his skin, he felt his pulse quicken. “But what is it they say? Don’t knock it ... till you try it?”

“Let me guess. You want me to try it with you?”

He had to stifle a groan as her tongue darted out and ran along her lower lip. Was she doing this on purpose?

Pressing his forehead into hers, his eyes flickered shut as he took in a deep breath. His lungs filled with the enticing aroma of roses. “Yeah, darlin’, I want you to try with me.”

He let his mouth brush against hers. It was a test. He needed to know she felt it too. That he wasn’t losing his mind.

Libby’s breathing became heavier, and the taste of anticipation coated his lips. It took all of his control to wait. But that’s what he did. Thankfully, she didn’t make him wait long. All it took was one delicate but deliberate graze and the world around him blurred. He could no longer think. He could only feel. And feel he did.

Zach felt heat shoot through his veins as he pushed her lips apart. He needed to get deeper. Taste everything. Sweeping his tongue inside, he was met with the same urgency from her. They moved together in perfect rhythm, igniting every ember and giving into the flames as they danced around them.

Libby’s hands rose to his face. Slowly, they slid across his jaw before finding their way into his hair, tugging as she went until she’d pulled him even closer. So close their bodies melded into one. The full force of his desire pressed against her.

Zach greedily took what he wanted. Angling her face to get more. Deeper. Taking pleasure in every moan he swallowed. But it wasn’t enough. He needed more. He needed all of her.

Letting his hands slip down to her hips, he pressed into her again. Ensuring not even air could get between them. It was his turn to moan into her mouth as he felt her body tremble against him. But it was her hands that had him losing all control. Their sultry descent downward had him panting like a thirsty as fuck dog.

Not able to take it any longer, he lifted her onto the countertop and pushed his big body between her thighs. More of her whimpers vibrated down his throat as her delicate fingers traced his chest. He let her explore. Take what she wanted.

Moments later, Zach was tugging down her vest, and the bra beneath it. He was pretty sure a growl escaped as his hands met with supple soft skin.

Fuck me. She’s like a goddamn drug.

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