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You just need a detox, that’s all. Get him out of your system early before he can crawl under your skin.

“What’s on your mind, princess?”

They’d come to a stop on her porch. Libby was almost afraid to look into those deep blue pools again, but she didn’t have a choice. Not without looking rude anyway. “Oh. Nothing. Thank you for today, I had a really nice time.”

She could see his mind working as he took her in. “I had a good time too. How about you let me take you out again ... say, Tuesday night?”


“What kind of weirdo goes out on a Tuesday night?”

Oh no. The dimples were out. “Plenty of people, princess. If you say yes, I promise to show you a few of them.”

Detox, remember?

She swallowed down the tingles and steeled herself. “No, I can’t. I’ve got a big project at the moment and I’ll probably need to work well into the evenings next week.” It wasn’t a total lie, at least.

“Okay,” he said slowly as he took a step closer. How was it possible he smelt smoky? But good smoky. Like a campfire. “Well, you need to eat. How about I bring you over some takeout again or cook you dinner while you work?”

Was this guy for real?

“And why would you do that?”

“Because I want to see you again.” She was not going to analyse the goosebumps that had just broken out over her arms and legs. It was just the cooler night air. That was all.

“Look, Zach, you’re a nice guy and all but I think you should probably know that I don’t date.” That’s it. Band-Aid, ripped right off.

“Who said anything about dating?”

Was he kidding? There were dating vibes flying all over the yard. Wasn’t there? Oh my God. Is it all in my head?

Her confusion must have been written all over her face. She could definitely feel at least one eyebrow raise.

“Okay, fine.” He grinned. “I wouldn’t turn down a date with you, but for now, I’ll settle for friendship.”

“For now?”

“Yeah. For now. Y’know, until you fall madly in love with me.” She watched him shrug. The nerve.

“And if I don’t fall madly in love with you?”

“Then I guess we’ll just be friends.” If possible, his smile got even wider. Damn, he was cocky. “So, Tuesday?”

“Still working.”

“And you still need to eat.”

Urgh. Friends. Could she even be friends with this man?

You’re not seriously worried about falling madly in love with him, are you?

As if.

“Fine. But not Tuesday night. I really do have to work.” She was all about the boundaries. “The weekend?”

His smile momentarily slipped. “I’m working this weekend. How ‘bout Friday night?”

“Sure. Friday it is.” There were no butterflies in her stomach. Just a simple delayed reaction to eating that burger earlier. Or maybe she had food poisoning.

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