Page 14 of Relinquish

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Fuck. I happened to her. And yet, she’s forgiven me. Or has said she forgives me. Why? It’s not like I deserve her forgiveness.

“How did you get from simple self-defense to martial arts without him or your brothers noticing? I’m assuming they’re fairly intelligent men.” I shift my weight.

“We had a high-end, well-equipped workout room down in the basement. He watched the first couple of lessons to make sure I wasn’t in any danger of getting hurt. Then, he was distracted by my brothers and their full slate of sporting activities, so he had no clue. Don’t get me wrong, he went to my school activities as well, but they were less physical, choir, violin, and debate, those types of things. Ms. Lue remained working for us until her mother became ill when I was in my late teens. By then, I was proficient.”

“I’d say. You could have done some serious damage to me if you’d wanted.” The closeness of her knee to my groin could have knocked me to my knees.

“I’m sure you could have handled your own. The only reason I got the upper hand was because you were distracted.” She bites the corner of her bottom lip, drawing my attention to the plump flesh of her tantalizing mouth. My pulse thumps at the base of my throat. The memory of holding her in my arms, the feel of her soft curves pressed against my body, the taste of her sweet lips makes my head dizzy. I fight the temptation to repeat the experience.

The few feet between us could be breached in seconds. I take a step, and the air in the room seems to evaporate. I take another step, leaving mere inches between us.

As she draws in a large gasp of air, her bottom lip trembles. What are you doing? You just apologized for forcing yourself on her, and now, you’re about to do it again.

I clear my throat and step back, effectively breaking the mesmerizing pull she has over me. I’ve always had iron-like self-control. Why does it disappear whenever she’s in the room? “We’d better get out of here. It’s probably dark by now.”

Her eyes shift to the clock. “I can’t believe it’s that late. I need to lock up my paperwork and get out of here.” The heaviness in the room decreases by a few notches as she gathers her possessions.

“I’ll walk you to the vehicle.” She frowns, pinning me in place with a glare. “I know you can take care of yourself and everyone else you meet, but let me be a gentleman. I need to prove to you I’m a better man than I acted when we met.” Stella would take a broom at me if she found out how disrespectful I’d been acting. The lectures about how she’d worked trying to make me into a man she could be proud of, only to find out I’m a bully who used my strength to intimidate women, would destroy me. I can’t disappoint her like that–again.

“Fine. You can walk me to my vehicle.”

Chapter Nine


I slam the car door shut and kick the front tire in frustration. I should have known buying a used vehicle from a man nicknamed Sly Jimmy was not a sound financial decision. That’s what happens when you’re desperate for a way to get around.

While the skyline held a few remaining streaks of daylight during the walk to the parking garage, the only light remaining now is some spotty sections under the garage’s shoddy lighting system.

Why did I insist Cade go on to the next level? They were safe words at the time. Now I’ve got to walk my ass several blocks to the bus stop in the dark, and this is not a good part of town.

As memories of our conversation flood my brain, my heart beats like a stampede of horses has settled in my chest. Was he going to kiss me? He was, wasn’t he? So, why didn’t he?

Stop. I don’t want him to kiss me. I don’t want a guy who tells me what to do. Isn’t that what I’m trying to get away from?

I open the door and gather my gear out of the backseat and check the battery on my cell phone. Two of the three cells remain lit up. Excellent. 911 is programmed on speed-dial. Perfect. After retrieving my stun gun, I check the charge. Full.

I nod my head in satisfaction. A girl can’t be too prepared. I slam the door shut, click the lock, and walk through the parking garage. The clap of my heels on the cement echoes off the pavement, reminding me of a bad horror film.

With any luck, I’ll avoid meeting anyone on my way to the bus stop. What’s the likelihood I’ll be that lucky? You’re in a dark parking garage with a car that won’t start. How lucky do you think you are?

When I reach the ground level, the red glow of taillights from an idling vehicle is waiting at the exit. Is that Cade? It can’t be. It’s been over fifteen minutes since I sent him on his way.

I dig into my purse, pull the stun gun out, switch it to ‘On,’ and hold it down to my side. Should I go in the other direction? I shiver and gauge the distance between the opposite exit and contemplate the safety of leaving through the gloomy back alley. Shit. Those aren’t much better odds.

Someone sticks their head out of the pickup truck’s driver’s side window. “Lola, is that you?”

Cade. Thank God. At the sound of Cade’s voice, my racing heart sputters and slows down a couple of beats a minute. He waited for me. My stomach does a slow roll. He may say he doesn’t rescue people, but I believe he doth protest too much, and I’m giddy enough to like it. “Thank God you’re still here.”

He opens the door and steps out. “Where’s your car?”

“It’s dead. It needs a new alternator. I had it checked after I bought it, but I thought I could baby it along for a little longer. I hate to waste money if I don’t have to.” I switch off the stun gun and shove it in my bag.

His eyebrows arch. “I’m glad you didn’t decide to use that thing on me.”

“It’s dark. I might know martial arts, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

His gaze darts into the darkness of the garage. “Do you want me to check it out?”

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